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Old 02-14-2012, 10:24 PM
katonka katonka is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 12
Unhappy need missing poem

Dear,hunt chat member's,i need your help.Saterday the 4th of feb.i lost one of my best hunting and fishing buddy's,he was fishing on the river and fell 10 feet hit his head when he fell in the river and drowned.He will be missed by all of us.About 3 to 4 years a go on the Gun's & ammo TV show the show was doing a yukon moose hunt and there was a hunter who said a poem about a dying hunter and seeing fulffy clouds and knot being able to hunt anymore so he would just the devil instead.This poem was my friend,and i wanted to read this poem at his eulogy,so if any of my hunt chat friends out there knows of that poem could you send it to me,i would be very grateful.Your hunt chat buddy ( katonka )
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