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Old 03-12-2005, 07:56 PM
Bluegunner Bluegunner is offline
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Handloading for my 25-06

Two years ago I purchased a Semi Browning Bar in 25-06 calibar.
I have been using it for hog hunting and have fallen a 140# sow and 240# boar with one shot each, range under 100 yds, factory loads.
However in Janurary, tried using this same gun for yotes and trying shots at 2-3 hundred yards, found myself missing.
Checking with Browning they advised that at 100 yds the Bar should hold a 2" grouping. Well 2" is fine at 100 yds but becomes a problem at 2-3 hundred yards.
My question? I have been advised that finding the right load (I can hand load) could bring that down to 1" at 100 yds. Do you ladies and gentlemen agree or disagree and if you agree, how do I find that load? What procedure should I follow?

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Old 03-13-2005, 07:36 AM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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The only way to be sure you find the load that works best in your gun is to try every load. There are some powders that tend to work alot better in one round than some other powders, and most reloading manules give the load that they got their best accuracy with. While that load has never been the one I got my best accuracy with they are often very close and usually shot at least decent. Every gun is different and how well yours will group will not be known untill you try working up a load for it. Semi-autos though, are tipically less accurate than blow guns. You can take it to a gun smith and have it accurized if you want. Ie. true the bolt face, glass bed the action, float the barrel ect.
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Old 03-13-2005, 10:16 AM
L. Cooper L. Cooper is offline
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If there is one thing that is true about reloading it is that there is nothing that is always true about reloading.

It is very likely that you can improve the accuracy of the rifle by developing a specific load for it. It is also certain that there is a commercial load that will shoot better than the others. Have you tried them all?

Finding the right load simply means trying as many different loads as you can before you get frustrated and decide to use the one you have found to be the best so far. It is impossible to find the perfect load because there are too many variables to test them all.

Many will tell you that self loaders are innacurate, and that is another of those things that is true except when it isn't. You will be limited in your testing by the fact that the ammunition must also function the action reliably as well as shoot strait. Bolt actions are far more adaptable to pressures, overall length, resizing methods, and other variables that constrain semi-autos, which is why most reloaders favor bolt actions. Bolt actions are easier to play with, and are inherently capable of better accuracy, most of the time.

Improving the accuracy of a rifle by reloading is a long process of testing and record keeping. There is no other way. I find that process fun. I hope you do too, because it can go on a long time. Just when you think you have it, someone introduces another bullet, or powder and you have to try that too, and you're off again on another summer long series of trips to the range.

Good luck.
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