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Old 03-17-2005, 08:15 PM
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Talking bullet impact - close vs. long range

Has anyone here noted that a deer shot at 100 yrds will drop at the shot a lot more often than a deer shot a 3-400 yards, even if the impact velocity is about the same? For example, a 140 gr. bullet fired from a 7-08 at 100 yrds, and the same bullet from a 7stw at 300 yards. The farther deer will run more often than the close one when the bullet hits the lungs, (spine shots don`t count). Do i just happen to shoot tougher deer at longer range, or what? The wound channels and internal organ damage look about the same, sometimes more or less, but i don`t have a set of scales handy to see a 25 or so lbs difference. i have never really determined if the bullet went straight or not because i can`t be sure if they hit at exactly the same angle. Could it be the bullet has a bit more wobble at close range doing slightly more damage? Denton, how many burros you got rounded up?
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Old 03-17-2005, 09:03 PM
denton denton is offline
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Wonder if the closer shot just carries more "shock", sort of like hitting the animal with a hammer??

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Old 03-17-2005, 11:00 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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I would guess that it`s alot of little things. If velosity is the same, then shcok and body damage will be the same with the same shot placement regardless of range. My guess would be that shot placement is not as good at long range, and it only takes alittle. I would also guess that the velosities are not as close as you think eather. The deer and the bullet don`t know or care how far away you are, they only know shot placement and velosity.
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Old 03-18-2005, 12:49 PM
Classicvette63 Classicvette63 is offline
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No telling why one deer runs and another doesn't. I've been fortunate that the overwhelming majority of the deer I've shot dropped on the spot. I shot a doe with a .35 Remington at 350yds and it never moved. On the other hand I shot a doe twice with the '06,at a range of 40yds. with the second shot opening her up to the point where there were literally guts falling out. Not a blood trail but a gut trail. She ran 60yds. No rhyme or reason. Some deer just take an awful lot of killing.
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Old 03-18-2005, 01:19 PM
MarkL MarkL is offline
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Were these deer looking at you when you fired? At long range, a deer has more time to react to the muzzle flash before the bullet gets there. Maybe they made up their mind to run before getting hit.
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Old 03-18-2005, 10:20 PM
L. Cooper L. Cooper is offline
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How many times has this comparison been made?

IF (note the big IF) identical bullets arrive at the target with identical velocities and hit identical material the effect on the material will be identical no matter what the range of the shot. That doesn't mean they will have the same effect on two different deer.

I have never had two identical bullets hit identical deer at identical velocity in identical spots on animals that are identical in mood, and temperment during identical phases of the moon on identical days.

So I have no experience that can make such a comparison. In fact, every deer I have shot reacted in completely unique ways to every shot.
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Old 03-19-2005, 08:47 AM
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Rocky Raab Rocky Raab is offline
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I'll second that, Coop.

Every single one is a different animal.

I bet if I hit ten guys sitting at a bar, I'd get ten different reactions.

(Okay, and maybe ten different trips to the emergency room, but you get the idea.)
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