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Old 10-30-2005, 12:08 PM
hofts hofts is offline
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gunslick foaming bore cleaner

i say no go.

first of all it says non toxic, no ammonia.....i say how can this work

after using it on several rifles, although i fell in love with the application process.. i don't think it works at all.

i have left it set for 45 minutes, pushed patches thru and no blue. thinking this just cant be right after a while i let some sweets soak for 20 min. pushed thru a patch real quick and blue blue blue.

so, i don't think the gunslick foaming bore cleaner works at all except for powder only residue.

i did get a blue patch with it the next day however after i let it soak in break free overnite ...
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Old 10-30-2005, 06:11 PM
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That is kind of funny, because when I use it blue actually comes out the barrel as the stuff drains out. When I push a patch through to get all of it out, I get a ton of blue on my rag.

Maybe you just got a bum batch of the stuff. Quite honestly, I really like it, but after reading this post I will use some Sweets after using the foaming bore cleaner and see if I can get any additional copper out of the barrel.

This should be a good experiment.
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Old 10-30-2005, 08:12 PM
hofts hofts is offline
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well then i must have a bum can of the stuff, because like i said, just nothing. i will try another.
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Old 10-30-2005, 08:24 PM
Montana Cowboy Montana Cowboy is offline
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FGoaming Bore Cleaner

Howdy All
I've been using the Outers foaming bore cleaner and it works quite well. I let it sit in the barrel over night and it takes the copper out. MC
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Old 10-30-2005, 11:25 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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i still see no reason to get esxscited.

i also wonder how you know when all the fouling is out of the barrel. i can run dry brush the barrel and it looks bore i just cleaned with outers foaming stuff.

i honestly just clean bores with outers every ounce in awhile(not very often) just because i know its not a bad thing to do

on a side note i also see blue come out of the bore. i also get alot of gunk out with the patches. but i could get gunk out all night long if i wanted.

i usualy run about 4 patches or even bore snake and call it good after scrubbing the Outers out with brush
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Old 10-31-2005, 01:18 AM
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Originally posted by Evan03
i still see no reason to get esxscited.

i also wonder how you know when all the fouling is out of the barrel. i can run dry brush the barrel and it looks bore i just cleaned with outers foaming stuff.

i honestly just clean bores with outers every ounce in awhile(not very often) just because i know its not a bad thing to do

on a side note i also see blue come out of the bore. i also get alot of gunk out with the patches. but i could get gunk out all night long if i wanted.

i usualy run about 4 patches or even bore snake and call it good after scrubbing the Outers out with brush





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Old 10-31-2005, 08:31 AM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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yup one thing i forgot to mention but had thought of. im not useing brass though i didnt have the faintest idea till rocky mentioned it a few days ago.

im a difrent breed. mayber my bores are worse than other shooters rifles out there. i cant tell by lookin or shootin. ive also got one with shot out chamber and heck i cant tell this one from rifle i bought yesterday.
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Old 10-31-2005, 10:16 AM
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I am not excited about this at all. Hopefully, Hofts isn't pissed off at me either. I just figured that it was weird (aka funny) that he couldn't get any blue of out his barrel and I could. Then again, there could be a million reasons why. I just wanted to hear what the rest of the group had to say about the stuff. I guess it seems to work, but like Rocky told me a while ago, we should probably still give the rifle a good run through with the brush every so often even if we use the foaming bore cleaner and/or bore snake.

You and I are alike when it comes to rifles. I shoot them until they don't shoot anymore and I have no idea when they are worn out except for when they start shooting like crap.

As far as cleaning them, I have a couple of rifles that never give me a clean patch no matter how long I scrub them. Both are older than I am. One has always been owned by my father and the other my father purchased used from a friend about 5 years ago. However, both guns shoot pretty well even though I cannot get a clean patch out of them after 20+ cleanings.
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Old 10-31-2005, 01:03 PM
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Maybe it's age, but the more I shoot, the less concerned I get about a lot of things.

Squeaky clean bores, itsy-bitsy groups and high muzzle velocity are just three things that no longer seem paramount to me.

I still like to put together nice accurate loads, but my "window" of what constitutes accurate keeps getting wider. The same goes with "fast" and "powerful" I guess.

Right now, I'm testing a new cartridge (to be introduced by Savage). It's a .20-cal and it launches 40-gr bullets at 3800 fps with less than 30 grains of powder. Some other testers have managed to launch 30-grainers at 4700 fps - but they disintegrate in flight.

Me? I'm unwilling to punch them that fast. Somwhere around 4200 is plenty, I think. Safer, too.

What may be even more telling is that when all this is done and my article gets published, I'll be sending the rifle back to Savage. I have no need or interest for a cartridge like that. I once thought so, but not any more. Of course, that may change when I see what it does in a prairie dog town, LOL!
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Old 10-31-2005, 08:27 PM
hofts hofts is offline
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no i don't get pissed very easily. i seriously think i may have a bad can. cause i tried it again after my range session and just did not get anything, no black, no blue, so i used hoppes, got a little more black. used sweets for 15 min. pushed thru with a plastic black jag and blue, blue. blue. so anyhow. i will go buy some other foam and try that out.

sweets does work d-- good for me though. quick and easy,
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Old 10-31-2005, 10:57 PM
Montana Cowboy Montana Cowboy is offline
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Montana Cowboy

Evening Folks
I don't scrub my rifle bores using solvent on the brush, After shooting, before I leave the range, I run the brass/bronze brush down the bore 1 pass for each 10 shots fired. I then run two patches through the bore with Hoppe's on the patch. After I get home I run a dry patch through it then another patch with Hoppe's and let sit over night. The next day it's a dry patch followed by additional cleaning as necessary. I use the Outers foaming bore cleaner when I feel it is necessary. I have not given up on other bore cleaners such as Sweets or JB bore cleaner ,Shooters Choice etc I just go with what I feel is necessary.
My son has a Winchester Mdl 70 30.06(Stainless) and it must have been the first barrel rifled after changing broaches as this barrel is so smoothe on the inside that it is very noticable compared to my other rifles when running a patch through to clean. You get hardly no copper fouling out of it and the burnt powder residue comes out easily.
The Outers foaming cleaner has done very well on the military rifles I have bought. MC
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Old 11-03-2005, 10:16 AM
MarkL MarkL is offline
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I use Wipe-Out (another foam) on my guns and I am not very impressed. Even after applying it twice (overnight both times), I can still get a lot of black crud out using Butch's bore shine. The guns in question are both stainless. One is a Bullberry .223 and the other is a Tikka .308. Neither ever has much copper fouling to begin with.
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Old 11-12-2005, 06:57 PM
270man 270man is offline
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I'm a proponent of staying on the initial subject of a post and not getting too far off the mark. This reply is a violation but I'll first comment on Gunslick and Wipe-Out -- the only 2 foaming bore cleaners I've ever used.

Can't prove much scientifically but I feel better knowing that the foam could possibly contact all interior surfaces of the bore while Hoppes and other liquids quickly drain to the bottom (old gravity again) and don't evenly coat the bore. This is just supposition on my part.

I seem to have good results with some rifles and not so much with others. The test I use is to soak the bores in foam overnight and repeat if necessary. Necessary to me is when the patch comes out heavily blued after a soak. After the foam soaks and the patches come out clean or only slightly blue, I run patches soaked with Hoppes No. 9 or Butch's Bore Shine and then run a soaked brush through multiple times. More soaked patches follow the brushing. If the patches come out clean, then I'm done.

With the above technique, some of my rifles produce patches that are absolutely clean. Others might have some evidence of additional crud still in the barrel. In all cases, I just run a patch through with Breakfree CLP and put them away.

As for Gunslick vs Wipe-Out, both seem to work okay but I don't care for the clear applicator tube on the Gunslick. Can't jam it in the muzzle of my rifles and it doesn't fit well in the breech. Always get a mess. The cone-shaped nozzle on Wipe-Out makes a good press-fit on all my muzzles and there is no mess (as long as I plug the breech with a cloth).

Now for my violation by getting off-subject:

What is your experience with the Outers Foul-Out electro-chemical bore cleaner? I've had one for quite some time and have never used it. Friend of mine says it is too much hassle and he doesn't feel it works all that well. He has since sold his. Should I use mine or sell it?

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Old 11-12-2005, 10:34 PM
Montana Cowboy Montana Cowboy is offline
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Foaming Bore Cleaner

Howdy 270Man
I couldn't tell you much about the electric bore cleaner other than I've only heard good things about them. Your the first person that I've heard a negitive response about that type of cleaner. I would give it a try before getting rid of it. Your friend may have had some problem with his and it may not have been working correctly. Let us know what ya decide to do. MC
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Old 11-14-2005, 10:10 PM
papi papi is offline
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i used the gunslick foaming cleaner and it was poor at best.i went back to my break-free foaming bore cleaner. it works great
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