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Old 01-07-2006, 08:11 AM
xltfordtrk xltfordtrk is offline
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Ruger No.1 25.06

Anyone reloaded the new Barnes triple shock 100gr. bullets for a no.1 yet ? I'm just trying to come up with a starting point on C.O.L. I'm using RE22 and 4831 SC powders with Fed.210 primers ???
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:35 AM
L. Cooper L. Cooper is offline
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I have not loaded for that rifle or that bullet, but because of individual rifle differences I would actually measure the COL myself before I started to experiment.

Once you have the specific length for your specific rifle with any specific bullet, you have a very good reference point from which to work for both safety and accuracy. Then just pick any below maximum load for the powder/case/primer/bullet combination you have, and you are off on that sometimes LONG chase for the ideal load in your rifle.
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Old 01-10-2006, 08:30 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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a freind of mine shoots the 2506 in #1B his go to load is 100gr tripple shocks pushed by imr4831powder. hes push a just over max load. max is right around 53.5grs. ive sheen him shoot the load and it shoots.

the load also shoots very well through my 2506 bolt action ruger. but its alittle warm in it.

im pushn 100gr nos bts with 52grs of imr4831, win cases and magnum primers. this load also shoots very good.

i bet if you loaded your bullets to the lands and started at 49.5grs and worked up from there youd find great acuracy real quick.
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Old 01-11-2006, 03:33 PM
Join Date: Oct 2005
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I use TSX bullets in all my hunting rifles and got reloading tips directly from Barnes on how to start reloading these bullets. First thing to do is to find your own OAL for your rifle. Do this by taking an unprimed case that has been sized and seat a TSX in the case at the MAX O.A.L. Then candle the bullet or you can use a sharpie marker then chamber the dummy and eject it then check for marks from the lands. If there is marks adjust your seating die down a couple thousands seat your bullet and repeat marking and chambering. When you eject your case with no marks from the lands then you have your MAX O.A.L for your rifle. Once you reach that point Barnes suggests seating the bullets .030-.050 of the lands for best results. They are good bullets and I have found them to be very accurate and devastating on game so if you take the time to find your length and reload these bullets you won't be dissapointed! I use a 210gr TSX in my .338 RUM and drive it at 3376fps this loads shoots .5 to .75 and hits harder than a MAck truck!
hit em' hard and hit'em fast
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Old 01-13-2006, 07:57 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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but every rifle is difrent and my shooter difrent with various OAL's, all mine so far like kissing the lands, means the bullet its touching the lands.

but i havent tried the tripple shocks much. so i cant realy say there.
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