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Old 03-13-2005, 04:10 PM
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electonic preditor calls

I'm looking at getting into fox and coyote huntig.I would like some advice from huters who use electronic calls,and how effective they are.Where i live and hunt there are coyotes but they are scarce compared to other areas.I've been shooting tons of jackrabbits and i think i'd like going after mr. coyote now. I shoot a 22-250 with a bushnell ELITE3200 4x12x40. Thank you.
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Old 03-13-2005, 04:21 PM
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JackRabbit, welcome to HuntChat.
I moved your post down to Varminting because it had more to do with hunting technique.
There are quite a few folks on here that can help you out.
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Old 03-14-2005, 10:22 AM
L. Cooper L. Cooper is offline
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My advice about electronic calls is to not get one, at least not yet.

IF you are just starting to call predators, I would suggest getting a couple of mouth blown calls and using them to get some experience. They are cheaper, easier to carry, and they work just as well as electronic calls. If you decide in a couple of years to get an electronic call, you will know by then what features you need and want, and will make a good choice for you.

In the mean time, you get to hunt.

We use only mouth blown calls of various types. They all work. Our method is to hike good country until we see sign or a spot that looks like a coyote would like to be, and then we set up and call. Carrying a rilfe is a joy. Carrying a lot of electronic gear would just ruin a good walk.
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Old 03-15-2005, 05:38 PM
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Thumbs up elec.calls

Thanks for the advice L.Cooper.I have called many fox and a couple of coyotes while rabbit hunting .Just not in shotgun range.Well I just purchased a jackrabbit in distress call ,but it dosn't sound as good as I seem to acomplish by mouth when rabbit hunting .But I'll have to try it and see.We have lots of jackrabbits where I hunt. kEN.
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Old 03-16-2005, 08:32 AM
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JR, calling with your own voice is an incredible skill. I'm awed.

But it's not something you'd want to do for long - or at your tenth stand of the day! A decent handheld call will save your voice. One very helpful call to leran with your own mouth is a lip squeak. After you get a predator coming, you'll want to drop your call and have your rifle in hand. If the fox hangs up at that point, a lip squeak can get him coming again - BUT if you reach for the call, you're busted because he'll see the move.

There are lots of good electronic calls around. The newer ones are all digital while the older styles use cassette tape. You miguht be able to find a tape machine cheap as hunters convert to digital, but I think it would be money wasted. Digitals are getting cheaper every day.

I love my Foxpro, but I may be trading it in for a newer one soon. HC member hofts is selling his Foxpro, for example. (See the Swap&Shop forum) If I buy his, I'll be selling my old one.
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Old 03-16-2005, 10:03 AM
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JackRabbit JackRabbit is offline
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elec. calls

Thanks for the advice R.J. Your right as I would'nt want to call by mouth for any length of time, espesialy on coyotes.As fox tend to in my experiance come running in right away.I checked out hofts foxpro on the swap & shop forum.Wow a lot of diferent calls ,sounds great. Since I have never gone out primarily for varmits I'm going to try the jack rabbit in distress call I just purchased.I see the occasional coyote but not like when I lived and hunted in Alberta.Thanks again. Ken
shoot for fun or shoot for food just shoot\be happy
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