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Old 04-01-2005, 11:27 PM
foster foster is offline
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Angry Can no longer register easily in Canada!

The days of us registering our long guns easily and without hassle are over.
I registered four of my rifles and shotguns, but didnt' register four others thinking the law might be overturned, or, whatever --- I just didn't register them.
Clearly the law ain't getting overturned, so tonight I got my four other firearms --- .22 single-shot; 12 gauge pump; .22 bolt repeater; I forget the other one now because I'm so mad --- and got the serial numbers, makes, etc.. off them and went on the 'net to register.

Well, sorry, you 'no can do' any more, guys and gals. Now you have to "contact a verifyer" to do whatever a verifyer does.
Here we go!
We predicted this, and now the chickens have come home to roost.
I don't know whether to punch a pillow or hold my breath until I turn blue! (I'll say it that way because you never know who's reading this, eh?)
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Old 04-02-2005, 11:13 AM
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they will have to pry them from my cold dead hands

i think that is how it goes. if i said it wrong don't be shy.
i am soooo with you on this one. they wasted billions os dollars and look at how much they have accomplished... it's harder than it used to be for you and me to buy or register our hard earned leagal firearms... but wait.. it's all been worth it... they have managed to keep legalley aquired guns out of the hands of guys like...oh lets say....james rosco. good job political idiots!
so now if you are a criminal and want to do "a job" you will have to register your firearm first, or go the easy route and go black market. some idiot thinks that they will deter criminals by making it harder for enthusiasts. most enthusiasts are not criminals. they have also proved that most crimes are preformed with illegal arms.. what more can they do that make you fill out the forms you had to fill out in early 90's? untill we can read minds, and do a blood test that tells who is loonie. we have to accept the fact that unless they do somethng wrong or have a psycological history or a "violent" criminal record, we have to accept it the way it was then. mabey instead of giving the peolple with legally aquired firearms they should enforce the laws against the james rosco's who should have been in jail and not given the oppritunity to aquire illegal guns........................
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Old 04-02-2005, 12:03 PM
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JackRabbit JackRabbit is offline
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Thumbs down typical political{B___S___}

what a government!make new laws and no one to do the freeckin job.a friend of mine went through the same mumbo jumbo.when he called for a verifier he was told none in the area and oh yeh.then he was asked if he would like to be a varifier.he said no.i'm thinking of doing it just to help those who didn't register just to help them keep thier guns.just hate to be any part of the whole damed fiasco,{any gun shop should be verifier}
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Old 04-02-2005, 01:13 PM
blacktail blacktail is offline
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this govy sucks the hind T again
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quote....."Life's's even tougher if you are stupid".....John Wayne
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Old 04-04-2005, 03:45 PM
Cal Sibley Cal Sibley is offline
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As I read these comments I'm watching the daily government question and answer session on CTV. I've never seen such a sham. These guys are little more than a joke. The simple solution would be to send them packing in the next election. We obviously no longer have the collective clout to do this, and that's what is so sad. A sense of helplessness leads to apathy, and I'm not so sure that's not where we're at now. Just when I was feeling a bit more hopeful I read that the majority of our immigration into Quebec is North African Arabs. It's time for me to go take another nap. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
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Old 08-20-2005, 08:53 AM
Hoser99 Hoser99 is offline
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Gun reg solution

Alberta isn't enforcing gun reg so I don't bother registering at all. If Ontario keeps voting Liberal I say their problems with gun reg looks good on them.
Gun reg was, still is, and will ever be..a fiasco! Forget registration. Tighten up FAC/PAL requirements. Fire all the database nerds in NB. Put the money into more beat cops or cancer research!
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Old 08-20-2005, 11:10 AM
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Yes, Alberta, SK, BC and a couple other provinces are not enforcing the registry in the courts. However the RCMP has to check the firearm to see if it is registered, and if it is not will take the gun. THis is coming from a RCMP officer in BC who is a hunter and a gun owner. He does not believe in the registry any more than I do, but he has no choice.

It is something we have discussed at length.
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