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Old 04-15-2005, 07:26 AM
Valigator Valigator is offline
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Found this cool website this am

the homepage is would you like to see these guys parked in front of your house?

Love this sentence.....

"We do not condone the use of violence or physical force in any manner, however, if circumstances arise such that we are the only obstacle preventing a child from further abuse, we stand ready to be that obstacle."
nothing like the smell of chanel and gunpowder in the morning
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Old 04-15-2005, 12:53 PM
Tall Shadow Tall Shadow is offline
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Ya know, It always amazes me, that a great bunch of people do something great, like this group does, and Yet where in all of Our modern media do We hear about it?????


Instead Our "Friends" in the media are too busy pushing, gay rights, Oprah, Single parenting, and the rest of Their agenda(s) down our collective throats.

It's also fun to note that the very people most "Blue State Residents" dispise, are the very ones trying to fix what their screwed up running of this country has brought to Us.

I wish that there were no need for groups like these, but I'm glad that there are.

Wish I still had a bike........."Hey Honey!?.......Ya know how you we're always wanting to help out kids?!?!?!...........Well I've got an Idea!....."

Naw, It'd never work!

Tall Shadow

Last edited by Tall Shadow; 04-18-2005 at 12:19 PM.
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Old 04-18-2005, 11:45 AM
Slim-Zippy Slim-Zippy is offline
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It's bout time someone somewhere intervened with a lot of support and a little intimidation on the behalf of children that have been abused.

BACA has organized well and has sought the support and approval of the proper agencies. These bikers even receive the proper education to be emotionaly effective with the children.

I am very proud of these guys and gals for giving there support for the innocents in this world.

Yes, It is very, very cool web site.

Nice doesn't mean weak.
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Old 04-18-2005, 09:39 PM
Valigator Valigator is offline
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Yeah aint it great?????? My love and devotion goes towards anyone who will keep the kids safe... I love these guys.....
nothing like the smell of chanel and gunpowder in the morning
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Old 04-19-2005, 07:12 AM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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NO South Dakota ? = interesting and guess I will have to change that !
Game Bird hatchery/ACO
"It is not the kill anymore it's the Quality of the hunt"
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Old 04-19-2005, 08:17 AM
Valigator Valigator is offline
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Yea Nulle you could be the head of your chapter there....Get you some other bad boys and go for it......
nothing like the smell of chanel and gunpowder in the morning
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Old 04-20-2005, 07:27 PM
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gregarat gregarat is offline
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That IS a cool site.

I have a hard time waching the news down here. Where I was from criminals killed, robed, and screwed other criminals. It was cool to wach the problem take care of itself.
Down here, I turn on the news and all I see is storys about child molestation of every sort, among other sexual preditors. It makes me nausous to wach.

What realy makes me boil is the local LEOs are far more interested in geting trafic stops. Other than being more proactive about going after the real scum

I myself wont mess around with "intimidation"....

I know that if I ever see such a FELONY take place, I will exersise my right to serve up some "leathal force". And make the jerks mellon explode all over Gainesville.
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Old 04-22-2005, 08:20 PM
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Down under we have a term for weak child molestin' pukes, the Term is Rock-spiders, because the scum crawl out from under a rock and prey on the young and innocent.

Also if anybody hurt my godson, they have my pigsticker and God to answer to. Yes thats right, I'll without any hesitation kill the MuthaDucker who interferes with him.

Sorry Val, this is one Issue that makes the blood boil and makes me sick at the same time.
Shoot straight ,tell the truth,aim small,miss small.
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