Nice Illinois 8 point.
Hello all,
It's been a few.. I moved about two months ago & haven't had access to the net till about a week ago. I'm back on dial-up no high speed here! Anyway, just thought I'd post some pics of the big 8 point I saw the other night. It's not the one I've been after forever but, I'd shoot him just the same! lol I think the big 8 I've been after is either dead, or has went down hill & looks different, I have yet to see him this year!? I have video of this big boy, but I can't upload it on dial-up. If I can find someone w/high-speed internet I'll upload it & post a link to it. About dark & in the rain running does. Enjoy, Phil B. ________ OXYGEN VAPORIZER Last edited by sniperp1; 02-22-2011 at 04:54 PM. |
Nice buck! Looks like some good height (length) on all tines. Are the pics recent?
Yes, I took these on 12-29-05, these pics don't do him any justice though.. he is much bigger than he looks in the pics! He has great mass, hight & width. I'm trying to get some better pics of him but, he comes out so late (about dark) & it's hard to get any good clear photos of him.. plus, he's about a 1/4 mile away. If I get some better pics, I'll post them ASAP. I took this one a couple days after I took the one of the buck above, It's a nice looking 10 point I spotted just down the road from the 8 point. Both of them should be nice next season! Later, Phil B. ________ FORD TRANSCONTINENTAL PICTURE Last edited by sniperp1; 02-22-2011 at 04:54 PM. |
Looks like a couple of great looking deer! Hope you can track down the big one you were after too! gd
We hunt, not only because we want to, but because at our basest levels we must. |
if you wanted a GOOD picture of him you'd ground check him and get a closeup.
Only a quarter mile away? You had better start practicing with the rifle at that range for next year. Maybe you'll get lucky.
Great deer and good luck next season.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow labs...it don't get any better. |
Very nice!!
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