Estimated 05 deer harvest
Here are the early estimations of Iowas deer harvest.
total harvested 211,600 a new record up 17,000 from last year antlerless 10,105 Bowhunters 32,756 up 2,731 from last year january season 3,488 New season which allowed the use of centerfire rifles. So how'd things go in your neck 0f the woods? |
We have that many hit on our interstates during the winter lol
Game Bird hatchery/ACO "It is not the kill anymore it's the Quality of the hunt" |
Statewide I think Minnesota had it's largest harvest ever, over 200,000 if I remember right. In the county where I hunt most hunters had the very worst year in memory, not near as many deer taken or even seen. Everyone has a different theory, but there have been hundreds of coyotes killed in our county this winter where 10 years ago there was just a few and it was in the newspaper if one was taken. Us armchair biologists believe the coyotes have taken a toll on the local population.
"Watch your top knot." |
our deer population is up, we even got another week to hunt, but the hog population is way up
www.havehogdogswilltravel.com |