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Old 04-13-2006, 11:21 AM
Valigator Valigator is offline
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Just curious as to what many of you think will come down in the Iran arena, I have a friend who is training Israeli pilots as we speak on some form of Mig planes, sorry I am not too literate on planes, anyway he seems to think Israel will be the first to strike Iran thus bringing the Americans into it....what do you think?
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Old 04-13-2006, 11:31 AM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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I think the entire Middle East should be nuked or taken over. That place has been a problem for centuries and the fact that we are giving them billions of oil dollars every year probably isn't helping anything. I cringe every time I fill my car/truck up. In fact, I cannot wait until we need a new car so that I can look for a hybrid or flex fuel vehicle. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to support America's farmers versus the Middle East.

I was reading an article the other day about how much money the Middle East is making and what they are doing with it. One thing they are doing is building a ton of stuff and diversifying. They are building a resort somewhere that will have the tallest building in the world, designed by a Chicago architect/engineering firm and built buy Turner who is out of New York. Ain't that ironic. They blow up the World Trade Center and then build a building that is bigger than it. Meanwhile, almost 5 years have gone by since 9/11 and we still don't have anything built like the World Trade Center. Oh yeah, they also own 5% of Ferrari, 3% of Daimler Chrysler, and a ton of other companies. If the magazine wasn't in a doctor's office, I would have had the article framed to remind me about this every day.

My buddy flies F-18's, and he is going out on a carrier in a month that is headed to the Middle East. He said he will be out at sea for less than 6 months, unless Iran decides to be stupid.
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Old 04-13-2006, 12:05 PM
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Am no military expert for sure so correct me if I'm wrong.
Have always cringed when I heard GW or Rumsfeld state "there will be no military draft". It's been sounding like our all-volunteer military is stretched thin as it is dealing with Afghanistan and Iraq. Nice to know we got Iran surrounded but can't imagine us taking on their ground forces with out a draft.
Speculation has been that they (Iran) would screw with the oil supply if we try anything and send suicide bombers to the US. Could just be Psyops, or it could be true. We're living in interesting times...
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Old 04-13-2006, 01:59 PM
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We are dependant on oil because it is easy. If we had to, we could change our habits so that we do not use as much oil. I for one have stopped driving just for the heck of it (i.e., pleasure). Most of my driving has been work related lately, and usually my clients pay for the mileage. If all new vehicles sold were flex fuel vehicles and/or hybrids, we would have very little, if any, dependency on foreign oil.

Yes, we live in interesting times, but I would much prefer the good old boring times between the end of the cold war and 9/11. Seems as though Clinton had a cake walk, or maybe this is a result of Clinton's "cake walk."
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 04-13-2006, 04:29 PM
PJgunner PJgunner is offline
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Yes, gas prices hurt. WE go to the store, doctor's appointments and trips to the hospital. That's the full extent of our driving anymore. I haven't been to the range in almost five months. I've even skipped the last two gun shows. Being retired and on a fixed income sucks big time. Not what the wife and I had planned for our golden years.

There's an interesting thread on another foum about how Bush has teamed up with Fox and, at the time President of Canadam Martin and the scenario is downright scarey. If there is any truth to the article depicted in that thread, Bush has not only sold this country down the river but may even be guilty of treason.
I don't know how to post a link to it, but if someone E-mails me, I gan give them a link to the site and the thread.

Nuking the entire Middle East suits me just fine. It's too bad President Ford (I think he's the one) had our supply of neutron bombs destroyed. Those were the bombs designed to do little structural damage but kill off the population. They had an extremely short half life. Could have wiped them all out and had all the oil.

Reinstating the draft. WOW! That'd go over like a pregnant high jumper carrying lead triplets. Frankly, I'm at the point where I feel we should give the new Iraqi government an ultimatum. You have three months to quit squabbling and get your act together because in three months we're outa here. They wil never have a democracy over there. Those people are tribal and each tribe wants to be the one running the show, That'e what allowed Saddam Hussein to get into power. His tribe had the most guns and he was ruthles enough to use them.

I think we should pull out and tell that bunch of socialist blissninnies called the U.N., "OK. We've done all the dirty work. It's your show now." and pull our people out.
Paul B.
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Old 04-13-2006, 07:03 PM
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Ya know...since this Iraq was North Korea and now Iran. I'm startin to wonder...iffin one of these days we will git bombed....iffin the bird flu dont git us all first.

I am seriously prepared to live in total solitude and off the land for a right good while. No matter what happens..I will and can survive iffin I have to...but dern..this could really be the beginnin of a whole new world. I thank the good Lord every day that my elders gave me the knowledge to be totally self however you spell it.
Iffin any country will try to take us will be when we our at our weakest. Now..our forces are concentrated over yonder...they have the opportunity. Question is...who's gonna have the brass to try it first?

I dont think we'll ever "nuke" the whole thing over there...I just dont see it happenin.
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Old 04-15-2006, 09:51 PM
"yote" "yote" is offline
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One of these days Iran is going to wake up to a 3 A.M. breakfast
of Tomahawk Cruise Missiles launched by a few dozen Subs. U.S.
Brittian etc....... Followed by a "Mopping Up" by NATO Air Power.
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Old 04-16-2006, 02:42 AM
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Originally posted by fabsroman

We are dependant on oil because it is easy. If we had to, we could change our habits so that we do not use as much oil. I for one have stopped driving just for the heck of it (i.e., pleasure). Most of my driving has been work related lately, and usually my clients pay for the mileage. If all new vehicles sold were flex fuel vehicles and/or hybrids, we would have very little, if any, dependency on foreign oil.

Yes, we live in interesting times, but I would much prefer the good old boring times between the end of the cold war and 9/11. Seems as though Clinton had a cake walk, or maybe this is a result of Clinton's "cake walk."

if we didn't buy another drop of oil starting today it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference in what you pay for fuel. if you think the fuel of the future is going to be cheap you still believe in the tooth fairy, easter bunny and santa claus.

you better be thankful for the fuel prices you are paying right now. they are cheap. no matter what they invent some butthead will figure out a way to be a quadruple billionaire off the profits.

one of the big problems today is none of the american oil companies will drill here. why? it costs to much and the envirionmentelests killed them. it cheaper to buy oil overseas than it is to get it here. god bless the greenies. i would have used some different terms for the greenies but there are ladies and children present. we are presently enjoying? a boom for oil in the western part of our state, but don't expect the prices to drop. every body working the fields is getting $20-$40 an hour.

hey, we gots lottsa bucks and we will pay whatever it takes. the only ones that get hurt are folks on fixed incomes and the poor. but who gives a rats rump about them? thats one of those life choices you talk about ain't it?

americans for the most part have outgrown their britches.





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Old 04-16-2006, 10:35 AM
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Skinny, I would hate to see us revert to a draft. We don't need to relive the 60's. It took the military years to flush itself of McNamara's 100,000. Our all-volunteer military is the best the world has ever seen.

As far as energy is concerned, the only thing most people know is that it comes from that funny looking thing at the quick stop. This site may help.
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Old 04-16-2006, 11:00 AM
Valigator Valigator is offline
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Part of one of the proposals for the immigration reform is that Hispanic men of age must enlist in the armed services. So that just might be their motive for their madness....

whats the old saying "kill two birds with one stone"
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Old 04-16-2006, 11:11 PM
denton denton is offline
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The ethanol fueled cars sound like they should be a good idea... but if you do the math, it takes the equivalent of 4 gallons of gasoline to produce 3 gallons of ethanol. So every time you put 3 gallons in your tank, you are causing the farmer and industry to buy the equivalent of 4 gallons of conventional fuel.

The hybrid picture is also fairly unfavorable.

Money spent represents resources consumed. A hybrid costs about $5,000 per year more to run than a conventional vehicle, indicating that it consumes more resources (batteries, etc.).
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