Wy Moose draw results posted
Drew mine!!!!! 95 type 2, I'm a huntin cow moose this fall!!
Gotta go, Got trip plannin ta do!!!! HUNTER
A retired bum, Opinionated Old Fart living happily in Free Wyoming. Never go any where unarmed, it's your right as an American. Only from my cold dead hands could you take my guns: C. Heston & I. Vote freedom first, last and always! Molon Labe! Life NAHC. NRA (Endowment). Officer: Wyoming State Shooting Association, Member: WSSA, Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC), GOA, RKBA , JFPO. Founder: Wyoming Off Road Vehicle Association: Access, access, access! Fair public access for all to all public lands on or off wheels. Tick (Pi$$) a liberal off TODAY and every day !! Elitests SUCK! |
hnter, glad to hear of your good news. You've got to enlighten me, I lost my Wyoming hunting regulations book, where is unit 95 and what is type 2 ?
Hope you get one, if I wasn't 600 miles away I'd volunteer to help you pack it out.
"Watch your top knot." |
Congrats hnter. Hope you get one. There isn't anything better than Moose meat in my humble opinion.
M.T. I'm not sure where 95 is at, but a type 2 is an antlerless moose.
Bird Dogs and Hunting If you're betting against God, you better be right. "When a dog dies they take a piece of your heart but leaves you a piece of his, and humans always make out in that deal. " Mark Twain. Larry Miller |
I tried for 27 this year with 6 points, last year 4 points got the tag. With the price increase to 75 bucks for a preference point a lot more people put in for a licence this year apparently, and I did not draw, bummer.
Born twice,die once! |