A new movie is coming soon its called "World Trade Center",..
I was wondering how many will go see it and also how many think it is or isnt a good idea to show this. My thoughts are that I think we will never forget,EVER,..but if this adaption is on tap,..(which most arent),..We will be able to see what innocence was lost in their eyes,..and the eyes of the families that had to lose their loved ones to murderers! And also may help enlighten some who are against us being in Iraq,...Even though our goverment has forgotten the main reason we went there in the first place.We have a duty to rid ourselves and others of mindless and senseless Killers,MURDERERS !!! Enough said,.... SOUND OFF FOLKS !!!! Later ALL SAFE HUNTIN ~ Wolvie
*Wolvie* Slices' N' Dices & is the Best @ what he Does EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Hunt Safe & SAFE HUNTIN~ http://www.myspace.com/wolvie00 http://blog.myspace.com/wolvie00 http://journals.aol.com/wolvie22mary/WolviesHuntingFishingOutdoorsRan http://spaces.msn.com/members/Wolvieshuntinopinions/ |