Savage Ml11 Problems
Got a Savage Ml 11, caps go click. Not boom. Useing IMR powder and normal type sabots. Have tried CCI, Federal, Winchester primers. Any ideas?
Am going to try some 777 pellets and see what happens.
IndyHick May the Lord bless you in some small way each and everyday. Breathing is one such blessing. |
Savage ML 10
There are probably three possible reasons for no boom...
First...is the vent liner hole completey open?? Could be clogged pretty badly 2nd Are you sure the powder is ok? What powder are you using? I think there was only 1 IMR powder(4227??) that was recommended at one time and don't think it is recommended now. sometimes 4227 can become somewhat unuseable because of humidity and heat 3rd.. There is a possibility that there is a crust of somewhat burned powder in the breechplug area. I have had no troubles with my ML 10 at all. Always fires. Seems as though the easiest powder to use is MP 5744. Good velocities and only have to use 40-44 gr. Take out the breech plug and the vent liner per the directions and start over. The main reason to have the ML 10 is to be able to use smokeless ...so there is no big cleaning chore...as there is with any of the other black powder substitutes
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
Yes the powder is 4227. I checked the breech plug, it is okay. Although I do not completely like the way that the primer fits, kind of loose. Will put Accurate Arms XMP 5744 on my shopping list along with the VIHTAVOURI N110.
IndyHick May the Lord bless you in some small way each and everyday. Breathing is one such blessing. |
The problem may be that you have to seat the sabot TIGHT ! Seems ignition does`nt occur unless you really put pressure on the ramrod. 4227 is the worst powder to use, very dirty and hard to light. Go to hodgdon lil` gun and give that a try.
ML 10...
Don't forget the vent liner. That is the important part. I haven't had to use really hard seating of the sabot and bullet.. But you should use the sabot that is recommended. Shoots much better. Haven't tried lil gun yet because i haven't found the loading data but bet it would be a good powder. Gonna go looking for the newest data I can find
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
Skeet, 31 grains of lil` gun with 240 grain bullets is a good mild start load, i use 46 grains with a 300 gr. SST, but that is a load where i would say, use your own judgement.............
Bought a can of 5477. Weighed out 42 grms. Gun went boom. Evidently the proplem was simply that the 4227 was dead. Now have to find a load and sabot that this thing likes. Loaded up all 12 of my hot shots and went to the range. Shot all 12, just ran a dry patch down after every 3rd shot. Talk about easy to reload, Much Much easier than my Knight or Remington. Sure proves that smokeless is better than pyro or 777. Next to get this thing printing well at 100yds and finding what is the max load of 5477 that it likes. Website says not to go over 44. Know one guy that uses like 60 grms reloader 7. Even with that load his did not seem to have the recoil that mine did with 42 of accurate. Do not think reloader may be as hot at accurate. Think I am going to stay with accurate.
IndyHick May the Lord bless you in some small way each and everyday. Breathing is one such blessing. |