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Old 01-20-2008, 02:18 AM is offline
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gas guage in cars Where?

Something that might be of interest and help to anyone that can't remember what side of the car is the fuel door. Maybe you are in a strange vehicle. Look at the gas gauge on the dash. It will point to what side of the car the fill door is located. Hey then you won't pull in on the wrong side of the pumps and better yet you won't have to get out to look. Just something of interest in anything goes.
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Old 01-20-2008, 03:50 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Well Maybe

But not on my VW Jetta. The fuel door is on the right side..gauge points left. Course it is German engineering at work here!!

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Old 01-20-2008, 10:41 PM
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It doesn't work on my Taurus either. The gas gauge is on the left of the dash and the needle points to the driver's side. However, the fill door is on the right side of the car. I cannot remember how it is in my truck, my wife's car, or my mustang.
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Old 01-20-2008, 11:00 PM
Ol` Joe Ol` Joe is offline
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My Yukon is opposite also.
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Old 01-20-2008, 11:44 PM is offline
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wow every one I checked so far here has been correct,,,Dodge ram, chevy caprice, ford taurus..pontiac sunbird..all have it correct so far...,I am talking about on the dash gauge itself there is a little arrow on it...not as if the gauge is on the left side of the dash ..or right side of dash...but that little arrow in the question is...if it doesn't point to the side of the vehicle where the gas door is, then why did they put that little arrow in there?..oh well like everything else..doesn't hold true in all cases...
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Old 01-21-2008, 05:59 AM
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Man, I did see something to the left side in my gas guage, coulda been an arrow but without a magnifying glass I have no idea which way the arrow points. I just remember it's on drivers side, I'll have to look closer or get better glasses, Waidmannsheil, Dom.
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Old 01-21-2008, 07:09 AM
popplecop popplecop is offline
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Doesn't work on a Trailblazer either.
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Old 01-21-2008, 08:33 AM
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I never noticed that there was an arrow pointing to anything by my gas gauge. I'll have to look a little closer when I get into the car today.
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:12 AM
Ol` Joe Ol` Joe is offline
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Originally posted by fabsroman
I never noticed that there was an arrow pointing to anything by my gas gauge. I'll have to look a little closer when I get into the car today.
I recieved a e-mail earlier last week on this, complete with pictures and arrows. The arrows in the pics pointed to the hose on the icon of the pump in the gas gauge, and claimed the fill door was on the same side of the car as the hose was on the pump icon.
Works with the wifes G6 but not with my Yukon.....made ya all go out in the cold and look though, didn`t it
I must confess, I was born at a very early age. --Groucho Marx
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Old 01-21-2008, 08:17 PM
"yote" "yote" is offline
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Works on my "77 F-250 4X4"

It's my piece of classic iron.
I call her my "Mean Old Girl" .
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Old 01-21-2008, 09:19 PM
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Most of the time my gas gauge points to E. As my heroine Lilred would say, "just rip out that there cell phone and speed dial the company and find which side the tank door is on". Course you could get off yur arse and go look. Or better yet commit it to memory.

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Old 01-21-2008, 10:46 PM is offline
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Well it was food for thought anyhow. Guess it doesn't hold true for everyone. Snoops even says not in all cases. So guess we still need to check. I watched a young girl (teens) pull on wrong side of pump fill cap was on. So she drove up the lot, turned car around...came back to the wrong side again..then backed out and turned around...only to miss the correct side she wished she had an arrow.....where is the camera when ya need one.......Who to ask why they change the arrow and what does the arrow mean?
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Old 01-22-2008, 02:06 AM
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I actually looked closely at my Taurus dashboard today, and it actually has "Fuel Door >" written on it right above the fuel gauge, and the arrow is pointing to the correct side of the car (i.e., the passenger side).

I guess I never pay attention to that stuff because I just know the fuel door is on the passenger side for my Taurus and Mustang and on the driver side for my F-350 and my wife's car. I guess it would come in handy if I was driving somebody else's car.

By the way, you should have gotten out and asked to shake that girl's hand that pulled in on the wrong side of the pump 3 times. I mean, it isn't everyday you run into the stupidest person in the world. The only better thing I can think of is those pictures of people with the station hose still attached to their car while they are driving down the road, and my brother's girlfriend ended up doing that this past summer. Sheez.
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Old 01-22-2008, 07:08 AM is offline
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gas gauge..incorrect in the subject line but anyhow...guess if the handle is on the right side of the gas pump icon on the dash that means you should pull to the right side of the fill pump. If the handle is shown on the left side of the icon on dash then that means you need to pull to the left side of the fill pump to get gas. Now if there is a little arrow or > pointing then that means that is the side the fill door is located. If yours is in the back behind the license plate like one I have, then yee luck but you better pull close to the pump or it won't reach. I remember the days before I got drafted and worked for Boron. Trying to figure out where some of those hidden tanks were was a trip now and then. Behind the tail light?..lmao..and Another thing ya had to watch back in those days and I was guilty a few times was walking up to the car as the station employee and saying 'yes mam' to the customer (yes they use to pump gas for you back then) .. cause believe me when they made that add on tv with the nice long hair and a mustache when they turn around is not made up.... It doesn't go very well with the biker dude and a kid in high school pumping gas..lmao..lots of laughs on that one. Ah the days gone past. Still see the sunny day there at the station when my dad called to tell me..."you been drafted" Hey the big kick in the pants is we use to sell it on any given day $.24 a gallon and on gas war days at times $.19 . That dates me some but those were the days of the gas guzzlers for sure...not only the big cars with the big motors but we had to put 2 or 3 850cfm carbs on the you were flying....imagine feeding that thing now.
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Old 01-22-2008, 01:36 PM
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The only reason a car company would put indicators for the fill door is they believe the buying public is to stupid to remember where the darn thing is to satart with. But, what is wrong with putting the door on the same side for every auto, so you do not have pump rage at the station? Now that, is real dumb. I mean GM does not even have all of the vehicle's gas access on one side.

But, in truth, if you can not remember from one fill up to another where the gas nozzle goes, you might have a wee small short term memory problem.
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