Following up on the Weaver Chinese post of Jons
Being kinda cheap I just picked up a Leupold Rifleman 3-9x40scope. I know it is made in the US. What opinions do y'all have of these cheaper Leupolds?? Was thinkin of putting it on an older Ruger 77 270. Cabelas store in Billings was trying to give 'em away which shoulda been a clue for me. Doesn't look bad..as good as the newer Redfields I guess
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
both will be well made redfield is now owned by leupold.
Most the scopes i own are rather cheep ones made by bushnell and simmons at the time i got my last scope from simmons was the 44 mag 2/7 i got it for my model 88 and i have been real happy with it. I do have a older 5 star redfield and a leupold also a nother real well made scoper is burris |
On my last hunt out west, I noticed that every one of the guides, to a man, had a Leupold scope on his rifle; the rifles were of different makes and calibers, but all the scopes were Leupold. That ought to tell you something right there. I looked through one and was amazed at how clear things were....much clearer than through my top of the line Bushnell. I came home and started investing in scopes, and Leupolds now reside on my big game rifles. I noticed the local pawn shop had a sale on the vari-X (or whatever the model was called) brand new in the box, and it was almost at half price. When I asked the clerk why the price was cut so steeply, I was told that it was because they needed to get rid of their current inventory before Leupold would ship them anything from the newer line. Take that for what it's worth, but it could truly mean you are getting a bargain......
If your dog thinks that your the greatest, don't go seeking a second opinion! |
I picked up one of the new Redfields this year and put it on a 280 Rem. Doesn't seem that bad. Adjusted well and was clear. Now I haven't given it the downpour test or drop thet but it doesn't seem bad. An yes the Leo Var XIII is better.