Remington's awesome 7
Alright, I know most of you are all familiar with the 7mm Remington Magnum. I fell in love with it when I was 14. Growing up hunting deer in NW PA you wanted a gun that when you pulled the trigger the deer was laying there. In our area there were so many hunters that if the deer ran 50 yards after being shot there would always be atleast one more hole in it if not more. Then began the arguing over who's deer it really was.
I learned early that if the deer was still moving after I squeezed the trigger than I better shoot again because I missed. I loved that gun that my dad had in the cabinet. Now don't get me wrong, I've shot deer with lots of other calibers from a 222 up to 338 tomahawk, but the big 7 has always held a soft spot for me. I've taken it to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, New Zealand, Quebec, and recently Newfoundland hunting everything I could find and it's never left me wanting anything more. My most recent trip, a moose hunt in Newfoundland had me posed with the question was the 7 enough gun for a 1200lb moose. A couple of people literally told me that the 7 wasn't and I needed a 300 win mag to be safe. Now, I'm not the smartest man in the world and I'm sure a lot of you have more experience than I do, but in my opinion if my 7 won't handle it, I sure as hell want something bigger than a 300!!!! The short of it is, I took my trusty 7 to Newfoundland loaded with 175g Hornady bullets and hunted a long, hard, wet, windy week and took my moose at 10:00 on the last day of the hunt. I shot him head on in the chest, and after quivering for a second, he literally fell over sideways like a tree, not taking a single step. Oh yeah, the guy carrying the 300 shot his 6 times.... So I just wanted to raise a glass to Remington's awesome 7.
Aim small... |
Real nice round
My experience with the "7 Mag" has been great. There were a few snafus early on with ammunition, but nothing that I shouldn't have expected in retrospect. I've shot more deer with the 7 mag than probably every other gun I've used combined. Sure, it may be a bit excessive for whitetails. It may be a bit light for big bears. However, with the right bullet, it will take any big game in North America. It's an extremely versatile round, with great energy, trajectory, range, and terminal ballistics.
The best way I've heard it described is this: It hits like a 30-06 and shoots as flat as a 270. That's a great combination. I'll drink to that!
We hunt, not only because we want to, but because at our basest levels we must. |
A TOTALLY USELESS caliber..why I've seen the day when the 7mm mag couldn't pull a sick whore off of a pi$$ pot...
Nah..just messing with y'all A really good round..and I even have one on an Encore..but not one I really use much..As far as 6 rounds to kill a moose..well placing the bullet is the thing..I talked to a 19 yr old gal yesterday..who shot her 6x6 elk with a 243 this year..One shot..one elk. But then I ain't saying that the 243 is a GOOD elk round. But ya shoot what ya can shoot best. Good for you BB. Last day tag fillings are really neat. Tomorrow is the last day of elk season here..but I ain't going..it's really cold up there at 9000 ft..6 below down here at 4000 this mornin..25 below up high.. I am still partial to the 300 Win Mag. Some of the impotent writers have said that the 7mm mag has about the most recoil that the average person can handle easily. They just may be right too. Many people shoot it well. But hey..I still like the 30-06 as well as any caliber.LOL!!
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
I shot my moose with a 280 Remmie(160 nosler). Fell stone dead. My bud put 4 rounds from a 338 in his. It ran off and died in a hell hole. Its all about the shot placment. A lot of locals in Newfoundland us the 270, 308 and 06 for moose. Its all about where you hit them.
I remember when a 06 was an ideal Elk calibur however since then the Elk have grown armor and anything short of a 300 Win will not work. Awe gun writers. |
I agree BH..it's all about where ya hit 'em. But I did just find a bbl for the Encore..it's a 338-06..and i just gotta get it. Price is a little high at 250 but it comes with dies brass and a few bullets. Got a POS Trashco scope on it..but looks bout like new. Think I can get it for around 250..then we'll see how them elkies can handle that 'un. LOL!
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
As you get older and see more in this world you come to understand that when a cartridge is around for a long, long time it might just be because it works. Like many folks there were cartridges I just would not buy, then I got a gun in a trade or such and odd thing happened, it turned out to be a good round. Some of us take longer to learn than others. I literally went from no 7mm RM guns to three in about a month. So I now have all three of them.
The three Rs: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions. "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" |