Concealed Carry Handguns?
Many friends and NEW CCW folks want advice on which handgun to buy and carry. I always advise new handgun owners to go with a double action revolver in .38 Special, or larger. I also advise a minimum of 5 boxes of ammo to get into the groove. As for semi-auto handguns, I advise a minimum of 5 boxes of ammo to "groove" the gun and action. Some semi-auto pistols have a lot of safeties, decocking levers, etc., and it takes range time to sort it all out.
I support CCW and train many folks annually here on my farm. For new folks, I think a DA revolver is a good place to start because anyone who used a cap gun or water pistol can use a DA revolver. The semi-auto pistols require more training, but is very doable. I am encouraged by all the new CCW folks seeking training. They are safer than merely dialing 911 and finding out "We have no one to send at this time," Adam
Adam Helmer |