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Old 03-03-2005, 05:57 PM
DaMadman DaMadman is offline
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ok here's a tough one for you guys MERIDEN ARMS Co.

I did some research but couldn't find what I was looking for.

I know someone that has a Meriden Arms Co. double barrel SxS and it needs a stock. The current one is cracked

The gun is Ooooollllld, but shootable if the stock is replaced. It probably won't be shot ever again but just giving an Idea of the condition.

It is a 16 gauge Meriden Arms double barrel marked 1907 on the barrel.

I found out they were sold by Sears at one time or another and that they were in kahoots with some other company in Meriden Ct. (had employees of one company working under the table for the other, at night or something)

But I never really found anyplace I might be able to get a replacement stock or anywhere I could get on close enought to modify to make it fit.

If anyone come across a place I can get a stock for a Meriden Arms double barrel or knows what sear model cross referenced so I can get a stock that is similar enough to rework.

the gun is not collectible and just hangs on the wall in a house but the stock that is on it is broken to peices and half put back together and is not the original stock to begin with.

Let me know if anyone of you comes across something
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Old 03-03-2005, 10:52 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Da Mad

Meriden Arms made lots of guns for lots of companies. Called hardware store guns. Is the gun a side lock or a boxlock. I have about 10 around here in various gauges(no 16's) but they may have used one frame for the same model gun in different gauges...BTW most were of poor to fair quality. Even if ya get it fixed up.... well don't shoot it.

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Old 03-04-2005, 05:37 AM
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Lilred Lilred is offline
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If you still have the original stock, even iffin it's in pieces, yer best bet would probaly be to buy you a block of wood, and let a good woodworker make you one just like the original. It's not as expensive as you think, all you really need (besides the obvious) is a good lathe and a good set of hands who knows how to use one.
Good luck finding a replica..I really dont know know where you'd find one for those guns.
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Old 03-04-2005, 10:31 AM
Jack Jack is offline
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The chances are very good that a good gunsmith can repair the crack- assuming you have all the pieces of wood.
On a gun with little value, that maybe you shouldn't ought to shoot, that might be a better way to go.
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Old 03-04-2005, 05:58 PM
DaMadman DaMadman is offline
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Originally posted by Jack
The chances are very good that a good gunsmith can repair the crack- assuming you have all the pieces of wood.
On a gun with little value, that maybe you shouldn't ought to shoot, that might be a better way to go.
Oh it's not a crack. The gun back when fairly new.... was whacked against a tree by the owner's father. The story was the "boy" that it belonged to was caught shooting things he shouldn't have been shooting and the father broke the stock off it by smacking a tree with it.

I probably would shoot anything out of it but the current owner and I were talking and he asked if I could possibly find a replacement stock and I told him I would look on the internet for him.
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Old 03-04-2005, 11:24 PM
Jack Jack is offline
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If you have all the pieces, you may find that a gunsmith can still repair it.
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