Sig P_220 for SALE
I have a Sig Sauer model P-220 Blued finish Combat Pistol in .45 Auto for sale. It has Hogue Grips: Trijicon Night Glow Dot Sights: 3 extra pre-ban magazine clips; Box and a couple owners manuals. I need $550.00 plus transfer fee and S&H. This will require FFl's for transfer. Previously owned by a LEO. Photo and answers to questions of interested parties. Email me OL stating where you saw the ad.
*I started hunting when I was young. Yeah, I saw "BAMBI", but , I got over it.
** A hunter never apologizes to his prey; He just thanks it for the contest.
***What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. --Thomas Jefferson
Last edited by Mad_Jack; 06-30-2006 at 03:37 PM.