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Old 09-26-2007, 09:21 AM
Freshfish Freshfish is offline
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Rem 1100 deep cleaning

I have received a Rem 1100 from my uncle...
God bless him, but it's the dirtiest gun I have ever seen...
I have disassembled it, to it's major components and wish to clean her up. The gun has so much gunk in its mechanisms that i was wondering if i can submerge the parts in automotive parts cleaner…
How would you guys tackle this?

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Old 09-26-2007, 11:13 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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1100 cleaning

Well I guess you could use auto parts cleaner. I used to use a parts cleaning tank etc but then the next step was to use spray cans of brake cleaner to blow most of it out(and then an air hose to get the rest). When you reassemble it don't put oil on the mag tube or any of the gas system. Just clogs the whole thing up. Drop of oil on the bolt rails and a little in the receiver cuts. If you just have to use something on the mag tube..use some powdered graphite(dry). I still have more than 15 1100 guns and used them for years on ducks and geese, doves, deer and anything else that I hunted. Shot skeet with them for years. Still do

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Old 09-26-2007, 11:21 AM
Jack Jack is offline
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Follow Skeet's advice.
FWIW, you can use automotive parts cleaner as a first step to loosen up the crud.
I have used some- can't recall the name of it- it was a solution that you diluted with water, and then dropped the parts in. I used it on a Savage 99 that hadn't been cleaned since WW2, and was so gunked up with dried oil and dust the action would not open. It did help loosen all the crud up, so you could clean the rifle.
Do NOT put wooden parts in the solution- just metals.
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Old 10-01-2007, 04:34 PM
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Rapier Rapier is offline
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Welcome. While you have the gun apart and before you reassemble it, replace the O ring. Below is a full assembly disassembly explination on the 1100:

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