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Old 02-11-2005, 02:21 PM
Kusko Kusko is offline
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bethel, AK
Posts: 297
Hillside Hunt

Did you guys and gals see that they want to try and have a hillside hunt out/in of Anchorage for moose?

It seems they might limit it to muzzleloaders and shotguns. Also, they want it to be for cows, calves and yearling bulls. They want to leave the more mature, photogenic bulls be.

Personally, I think this is B.S. considering they already have a near in town hunt on Ft. Rich. That hunt is for any animal, regardless of size and is restricted to bowhunters and muzzleloaders.

They are so worried about what the huggers think that I doubt this will ever happen. They also need to consider the moose itself and it's well being. I'm sure I'm not the only one here or there that thinks a moose is better off being taken cleanly with a firearm than starving to death or being hit by a car.

Now, I know they had TV reports of moose with arrows in them, but, now, technology is better, hunters are better educated and hopefully, the general public sees the problem.
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Old 02-11-2005, 03:17 PM
AlaskaBoy AlaskaBoy is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Anchorage
Posts: 19

I believe this is a realy bad idea, again. If Rick Sinnot wants to thin out the herd, then I think it should be up to the state to deal with it. Have harvest goal and have people sign up (charities,foodbanks, anybody who wants a free moose) and then when Rcik goes and shoots one he can call up the person on the list and tell them where to come and get it. This way there are no moose running around with an arrow in its butt and personly I have no bad feelings about getting a moose given to me.

There are alot of moose up on hillside but there is not alot of hunting areas other then peoples backyard. I see they staed it would be done in the park, but lets be honest here, there would be more then one guy bagging one in somebody's backyard.

There is moose hunting allowed in the park over by Artic Valley and it is a rough hunt if you get succesful and the hump out is all up hill to pack out your moose. It is alot of fun though and I enjoyed it back in the early 90's before it got to be popular. Saw some animals but never got a shot off and after spending all that time hikeing out of there I was very thankful I did not. A guy from church and his buddy hiked into there during 9/11 and shot a real nice 52 inch 3 brower and they had to hike it clear over to Eagle River because the military closed down the road up to Artic Valley, took them 5 days to pack it out. I asked Dave if he would due it again and he said in a heart beat, lots of animals and not alot of pressure, seems it might not be as popular now.

If this hunt goes thru I believe it will end up as a black eye for us.

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