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Old 05-23-2005, 02:22 AM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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Well good luck in your Law Enforcement quest and even there I have run into Cheifs and Sheriffs that if they find out an employer is looking he had better find something real soon cause they would make it tough on him.
Anyway back to Cabela's I guess I have ordered on line and in their store in Mitchell and never had a problem. Granted I do not order a ton of stuff but hope I never run into some of the things some of you have or I guess I might switch to another store fast.
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Old 05-27-2005, 05:22 PM
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Lilred Lilred is offline
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Bein in retail..

I can honestly tell ya'll that when I first started werkin at Lowes..I never thought the average person was such a moron. comes from what I call "lettin it git to ya".
Do ya'll have any idear how many times a day I hear "I demand a discount?" Probaly 100. So, what I do, is let them hash it all out..and then decide if they really do deserve some form of reimbursment. Like Fabs fer instance, iffin Lowes screwed up his order, then he deserves somethin back. But..there's a hitch to my way of thinkin on this..which is why I refuse to move up the ladder at Lowe's. You see..iffin Fabs would've came to me, explained what happened and it all checked out..I would've gave him his 10%. No biggie. But you start slappin me with Home Depot reciepts like I would truly go home and not sleep fer 3 days cause he shopped at Home Depot? I would sleep like a baby, and I probaly would lose all sympathy I had for him. Not to mention respect. Knowin me, I would probaly tell them that too..hence me not movin up higher lol..(No offense Fabs..this is not personal towards you..Home Depot reciepts are a daily thing at my store.)

Yes, you can threaten, and it will truly work..fer none of them will tell you no. But..that is abused so bad..that I have become hard-hearted. I git paid dern good money fer what I do..and I take my job seriously..and will do the best I can to make every customer feel appreciated. But..most of those folks on the other side of the fence..have alot to deal with. I've learned to seperate each customer from the next..and that not all of them are leechin offa my retirement. it werks out real good that way..and in general..I agree..that most times..customer service sucks period.

But, fer ya'll waitin at the customer service desk fer yer rant & throw down, and the next person walks up to you..just also need to treat them as an individual..and not as the company. You need to seperate each person you deal with..just like I seperate each customer I deal with. 2 entirely seperate beings from one another.
Iffin that dont work..I can always fall back on my Pop who said "You can always git more honey w/ bees than w/ vinegar."
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Old 05-27-2005, 06:29 PM
Aim to maim Aim to maim is offline
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Re: Bein in retail..

Originally posted by Lilred
Iffin that dont work..I can always fall back on my Pop who said "You can always git more honey w/ bees than w/ vinegar."
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Old 05-27-2005, 09:07 PM
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Lilred Lilred is offline
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Awwwww schiet..lmao
I got it can git more bees w/ honey than you can w/ vineger..I think..aww hell... what he said
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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