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Old 11-18-2005, 04:34 PM
RickWhiteFeather RickWhiteFeather is offline
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Location: White Earth Reservation,Minnesota
Posts: 7
1. Bait alters a animals feeding habit.
Not fools it's senses.
2.Camo is used for blending into the surroundings to hide you from standing out,to fool the deers sight.
I grew up as a army brat around Fort Bragg and Fort Campbell.
We relocated back to the family farm after my father was hurt in 1991.
We have alot of public land up this part of the state with open land to include state forest,county land and federal land.
When you head below I-94 it is almost 99% private land.
I work up here now as a Tribal LEO after I left the army.
High and Mighty? No.
Just stated the fact that hunting over bait up here will get you tossed in the clink.
Same as if I violated a Texas statue,would not you(when you were a deputy)issue a tag?
My place of "hanging my hat" is just that,my home,nothing else.
My nearest town is Park Rapids,MN which is 24miles SSE of the homestead.
I teach Firearms Safety Courses for the MN Dept of Nat Res and am proud to do it too.
I work as a Law Enforcement Officer for the Reservation which has me doing the same things as a deputy or city police officer.
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Old 11-18-2005, 04:59 PM
papi papi is offline
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you stated that camo was used to fool the deers that not one of the deers senses?i agree that your duties are just like any other law enforcement officer.the job is extremely hard reguardless of where you do it.
yes if i caught someone breaking the law i would issue a citation or arrest them. it also depends upon the circumstances of what happened.jails and prisons are severly overcrowded now. we have to more than ever use judgement on the arrests we make.i was a deputy in dallas county,texas. just the dallas count jails house 8,000 inmates. the does not include the city jails throut the county.
i retired in 2000 and have done quiet a bit of hunting. i hunt just deer and wild hogs.i have had many officer friends thruout the country and canada come down to hunt with me.i had one guy who said he did not believe in stands or feeders.he said he would hunt and stalk the animals. i gave him a week while i just stayed in the cabin.he came back exhausted and said he never saw a deer.he said we just did not have any deer.i went up to my tower blind and feeder on the last weekend.behind me away from the feeder i shot a small 8 point.
lots talk a big story and most can not back it up.i now hunt a roadway without and feed or bait as you call it. i got my deer at 735 opening morning..i scout all year long and set my stand accordingly.does it work. not always. i have gone a season without getting anything.does that mean i did not hunt?
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Old 11-18-2005, 05:22 PM
drummer drummer is offline
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Deer hunters as a group are generally wound too tight and need to chill out and have respect for one another.What's "right" to one group may be "wrong" to another.

Deer may respond to attractants, be it bait, artificial scrapes, even decoys,but bait and scents just don't work absolutely every time:Certainly not enough to get into an ethics battle over.A hunter that has freshened scrapes or invested time and manpower into a foodplot may feel satisfied that he has outsmarted the deer via prehunt preparation.But,it has been my experience that attractants do not work miraculously on deer, like they do on migratory birds or turkeys(which seem to materialize out of thin air when corn or wheat is present.)The best virtues a deer hunter can have are patience and luck.

Last edited by drummer; 11-23-2005 at 03:58 PM.
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Old 11-18-2005, 06:17 PM
RickWhiteFeather RickWhiteFeather is offline
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Location: White Earth Reservation,Minnesota
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In no way or form was disrespect intended.
Yes I agreed with you that camo does fool the sight sense.
I have stands that overlook Oak Pasture,others near hay/corn fields and others that overlook swamps.
I graduated High School in 2001 and was in college at Bemidji State on Sept 11 2001. I was in class when word went around and we saw what was happening at New York and Washington.
I drove 45miles to inform my folks that I was enlisting.
I left on the 12th of september 2001 for Fort Knox.
I can speak,write,read and translate French,Spanish and Farsi.
I was a 19K(armored crewmen)with the 3rd ID.
I fought across the desert to Bagdad from loading the 120mm down to hand-to-hand in a sandstorm at a fuel point march 2003.
Now I work a area of 40miles by 40miles with 18,000+ people living here year round.
Still hunting might work for some but I rely upon hunting feeding area's and known bottlenecks and crossings from perminate stands.
Mine was at 0811,but congrats.
Oh yea,I meat hunt and was filling anterless tags.
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Old 11-18-2005, 06:47 PM
papi papi is offline
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actually hunting over or near a corn filed is baitng.i am not now nor have i ever been a trophy hunter.i am a meat hunter.i am 3/4 cherokee and the outdoors means the most to me.any time a animal is harvested we all gather and give thanks to the animals for sacrificing his life to put food on our table.
the misconception about corn or bait is that animals come from every where.that is false. it does not always work.the corn feeders are hit at nite and the deer are seldom seen.the area i hunt now is very hard to hunt.the bucks always have ugly looking racks due to poor nutrition.many deer are found after starving to death.we put corn and nutrients out thru the year.does this assure us a kill. keeps the deer healthier so the numbers will stay up.people draw a conclusion by what they see on the real world it is nothing like that.sure i use a cover sent. after 3 or 4 days in the woods you will smell.hogs have a great sense of smell.their eyesight is not as bad as some think.some areas of texas you could stalk for miles and never see a deer.that does not mean there are no deer.i have a buddy who comes down every march for a hog hunt.he could not believe they were so hard to hunt. he tried to stalk but his smell kept them out of range and in the swamps.
i meant no disrespect to you either. just some think they are better than others and like to toot their own horn
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Old 12-11-2005, 05:45 PM
cowbone cowbone is offline
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Originally posted by tide12
i been lookin for some good ways to get the deer out of the woods and into my plots. i have plots that are just off thick brush thickets and the deer seem to like it in there so much they wont come out during the day. only does are coming out if it is still shooting hours. anybody got any good methods or tips to bring em in out of the woods better.
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Old 12-11-2005, 05:57 PM
cowbone cowbone is offline
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ive hunted in many area including north carolina, texas gorgia, mississippi and alabama. here is a few tips. these people just came out with this new product called cmere deer. when i first tried it i figured it was iligal. my food plot is three hundred yard wide and five hundred yards long. we bought the spray and the powder. we put it all over our food plot. left came back twenty minutes later got in the stand and in ten minutes ther were twenty seven does and fourteen bucks. i didnt even think there were that many deer on our property. we sprayed that stuff on vines and the deer were eating the stuff to the ground. its 29.99 a bottle but it is worth it. i took a twelve point buck and the biggest deer took in the area was a eight pointer so that buck stayed well hid all that time but came out just for cmere deer
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Old 12-11-2005, 06:12 PM
papi papi is offline
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sounds more like a fish story than is almost like their commercial right down to "i thought it was illegal part.i have a group of hunter in texas,wyoming,michigan,canada,and georgia.we all get something and try it at the same time.we tried this comeer deer stuff also. it did not do anything in any of our places .we tried the spray and powder.we had nothing on the spray, we got very little on the is another gimmick for hunters.

Last edited by papi; 12-11-2005 at 07:28 PM.
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Old 12-13-2005, 09:56 AM
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Handgun'r Handgun'r is offline
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I'm kind of skeptical as well about a lot of the "attractants" on the market nowadays.
This season (almost to an end) in western NY has been dismal, and it's been "all over", not just in my immediate area. The usual ontourage of scrub bucks wasn't even seen this year.
In the last two years or so, I've been passing up the scrub's and waiting out the big rack bucks. You only see one or two whoppers in a season, and leaving the younger ones alone (hopefully) makes for a nicer buck the following year.

If meat is needed, I'd just take a doe with the extra tag.
Baiting is illegal in NY as well, and if they catch you, you'll pay dearly. Old methods were salt licks mainly, but nowadays, with these newer products, it's almost undetectible.
Hunting over a farmer's alfalfa field, I guess, some would look as a "bait like" situation, but it wasn't planted "intentionally" for that purpose. It was planted to feed, or support livestock, the deer just benefit from it.
If I planted a food plot directed at the deer population mainly, I guess it could be construed as "baiting" if I hunt over it, but I think that enters a "grey area" more or less. I'd have to check into it. I retired as a Deputy Sheriff and I worked closely with our state's Environmental Conservation Dept. I'd definitely run it by them before I hunted over a plot that I planted, but it wouldn't stop me from planting one to help the deer out.

I'd really like to support the local deer population more, regardless.

By the way....for those of you planting plots....Pioneer HiBred (whom I used to work for) makes a "Forage Mix" in a 50lb. bag that runs around $60.00 to $75.00 per bag. It contains red mammoth clover, timothy, allsyke, etc., and draws the deer as well or better than the BioLogic, and is much cheaper. That 50lb bag will well seed 3 plus acres (or more) and they love the stuff (especially the clover).
I watched many an acre of this stuff loaded with deer over the years, and they preferred it far more than the alfalfa planted right next to it. Many farmer's around here quit using it and stuck with plain alfalfa for their cows, and the deer just fed on the alfalfa, but they loved that stuff more so.

Ramblin on............

Take care,
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool.......than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"

Oh well.....!
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