Regreasing Iron....
Back in 1962, I left home for a 4-year hitch in USAF. Just before I left, a family friend suggested I run a greased patch of RIG (Rust Inhibiting Grease) down all bores and wipe down the exterior metal to preserve my modest gun collection. Well, I did and the guns were in fine shape when I came home in 1966.
Now, I have a larger collection and annually I do the RIG routine. I include the bayonet collection as well and rust has not been a problem. I have had friends advise they has rust problems because they put 3 or maybe 4 drops of oil on a patch and wiped the bores and next year had rust. Oil, per the old Army Manual, is good for two weeks or less. For proper bore protection the Mil Spec Rifle Grease (RIG) was used. Well, I am about to do the RIG routine with the help of my new farm dawg, Lori. She is a Yellow Lab with an interest in arms and hunting. Happy New Year to all. Adam
Adam Helmer |
Being the lazy sort,use a dehumidfier during the summer months in the basement. I also keep dissicant packs in the safes year round.
06shooter lee
06shooter lee windage and elevation |
Welcome to the Forum; I see this is your 4th post. I have dessicant packs in my vaults and recharge them in the oven about once a month. When I say run a greased patch, I mean a fairly gooey patch, but I do not pack the bores with grease. Oil is ok for a time, but it migrates down especially if the guns are standing verticle on the butt. It takes two dry patches to wipe out a greased bore. Adam
Adam Helmer |