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Old 08-28-2007, 12:15 AM
gumpokc gumpokc is offline
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Lots of good info in the above replies.

I'd also suggest looking into a 6.5x55 or a 7x57.
Some areas the ammo may be hard to find in factory loadings, but if you have time to order some in, reload/handload or know someone who can, it is quite worth it.

Another good choice, _if_ you can find one, would be a bolt or lever in .300 savage. Shouldn't be hard at all to find ammo in that calibur in most areas.
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Old 08-28-2007, 10:13 AM
denton denton is offline
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I have both a 6.5x55 and a 7x57, and consider them my most useful, all-around rifles. However, to get full performance out of them, you have to find a way to load to modern pressures. At modern pressures, the 6.5 is really outstanding, and the 7x57 is the ballistic twin of the 270, which is a fine cartridge.

So I think the answer depends a little bit on your reloading situation.

If convenience is an issue, you won't go wrong with a 260, 270, 7mm-08, or 257 Roberts. If you're an experienced reloader, the 6.5x55 probably can't be beat. As nearly as I can tell, the 6.5x55 beats out the 25-06 in every way except ammunition availability.
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Old 08-28-2007, 04:15 PM
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A psot up in AAG prompts me to suggest this overlooked option: a lever-action in 7-30 Waters. More punch than a .30-30 with less recoil. The rifle is short, compact and with definite "kid" appeal.

You could put a low-powered scope or even a re-dot sight on it and he'd be set. Safety-wise, it's a very good design, and you can look over from yards away and see that it isn't cocked while he carries it.

Something to consider.
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Old 09-04-2007, 02:51 PM
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He'd be in close quarters, He doesn't like levers. he wants pronghorn too. he's dont know the first thing about handloadin'.
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Old 09-29-2007, 01:14 PM
gorilla10 gorilla10 is offline
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Just food for thought, I assume it's legal to bait bear up there? If so and he shoots a 243/6mm comfortably and can hit a clorax bottle evrerytime at 50yds, a headshot blackbear don't go anywhere, even the biggest! If he misses, it usually is a clean miss also, as not to have it run off and die unrecovered? Like I said just food for thought!
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Old 09-29-2007, 10:39 PM
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NO way gorilla, his firearm safety instructor told him this story and he will go for vitals every time: "I shot 2 deer, 140 yds., same spot, straight through the heart, 40 yds max before they dropped, my buddy, though, tries to be a hero and take head shots. His deer ran 20 yds and dropped, but when we got up to it, it jumped up and ran for 1/2 a mile, 4 hours later, this guy's uncle circled around and shot it and it finally died." It makes less work if shoot for the kill zone. Anyone who reads this better think twice before being a "hero" like this guy.
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Old 09-30-2007, 01:46 PM
gorilla10 gorilla10 is offline
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Not to critize, but if you can't hit a bear in the head with a high powered rifle at 30-50yds, something is wrong? But a bow that's a different ball game you always try to double lung a bear, always!
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Old 10-05-2007, 01:50 AM
gorilla10 gorilla10 is offline
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Minihunter, I hope you didn't take that last comment the wrong way? I know it sounded like i may have been putting down his instructor, but that isn't the case, because he's 100% right! I was just talking from experience, I've taken 19 year old guys bear hunting and told them what I said about the head shot. So far as long I'm confident that they can make that shot, get it on! But we're talking 30-70yds tops but I've hit them over 100! The best part about it is, their chin hits the ground, that's it! I'm no hero, that'ss for sure!
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Old 10-27-2007, 01:13 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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being hes 100lbs i recomend no bigger than a 25 caliber rifle.

i was about his size and started this great sport with a 270 in model 700. i tell you what this rifle was my downfall it caused a big flinch that took years to work out of me..;

ive got little girl now and shel start with either a 257 roberts or a 6mm. but thats still aways off.

ive shot lots of rifles over the years most all in the 2506 to 3006 cliber range. these rifles all have a stout recoil exscept for the 2506.

the 2506 is my go to all around varmit bigame rifle. and will continue to be for years to come. i also have 3006 and 270 these get pulled out the closet only a few times a year to make sure theyre sited in or do some test load when im bored.

the 2506 has seen thousands of rounds. and has made shooter out of me. i now religusly reload for all my calibers and this one seees sometimes 100rds just testn loads. the other two i cant stand to shoot at the bench.


ps there

is enough factory ammo fir the 257 rob or the 2506 to fill your need from mice to deer
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Old 11-11-2007, 12:18 PM
gerry375 gerry375 is offline
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I agree with the posters who recommended the 7x57 (also known as the 7mm Mauser). While I love the 270, I believe the question was of a caliber to use on black bear in Canada -which means woods shooting and I'm just not sold on the 130 gr. (of the 270) as suitable for woods shooting. I'm not saying it can't be used -it's just that I prefer heavier weight bullets. The 7mm Mauser has bullet weights up to 154 gr and 160 gr. loadings the last time I looked (some years back) If you're not a reloader, then outfits like Superior and Hornady will sell 20 round boxes in the indicated loads. I used a 154 gr. 7mm load on a black bear at about 80 yards in Ontario's Nipissing District and he collapsed at the first shot -( the first one I ever shot so I remember the exact details!)

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention. The penetration is phenomenal. In fact, it's what the 7x57 has been famous for in Africa for decades. Recoil is minimal. ( Being an old dinosaur myself, I can tell you that I remember when the 7mm was referred to as a "lady's gun". This "lady" was glad he carried it for black bear)
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Old 11-12-2007, 07:17 PM
Classicvette63 Classicvette63 is offline
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Nobody has mentioned the .35 Remington yet. It pokes a bigger hole than most any "light" recoiling cartridge will. My 12yr old niece has fired and enjoyed shooting mine.
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Old 12-06-2007, 12:14 AM
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You might wanna consider a "Handi-Rifle"they're made by H&R and sold as New England Firearms.
a solid single shot that can be fitted with a multitude of barrels ranging in caliber from .22 hornet to .500 s&w(take a shotgun barrel too).
barrels are between $87-$116 depending on caliber and you can buy one any day of the week at Wholesale sports in Saskatoon for under $300(new).
you can get him a varmint barrel for his b-day...and that antelope caliber for xmas.

nothing better than startin a youngster with a single.the one shot/kill idea hits home better and you never rush the first thinkin bout the next.

I've got one in .204 Ruger and its a great value in a usin iron.
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Old 12-06-2007, 09:32 PM
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Hey, Brother Rockeye, It's good to see someone else from my neck o' the woods.
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Old 12-07-2007, 05:10 AM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Hi All,

Mauser has bullet weights up to 154 gr and 160 gr. loadings the last time I looked (some years back)
The original and standard weight of bullet for the 7mm Mauser was 173 grains and it's still available. heck even remington make a 173 grn bulelt for handloading although it's of a spitzer style rather than round nose like the original. Not sure who loads this weight in the US but RWS certainly does in their H-Mantle range and it's a really effective round. I would be surprised if Norma didn't offer a 173 grain load as well.

I think something like a 7mm Mauser would be excellent as would the 6.5x55 and dependign on bulelt weight and velocity the .308 is not to be sneezed at. In fact for deer the 125 grain factory loads would be fine at sensible ranges and a 165 grain laod for bear once he has got used to the rifle and recoil. Too much bench shooting where recoil is felt more is a mistake plus you need to practice field positions when shooting.
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Old 02-20-2008, 09:35 PM
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Thanks for all yer help guys, hes not that into the internet but he's short shot .303 now, thats what he got too, thanx.
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