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Old 01-20-2008, 04:45 PM
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I understand the sentiment, skeeter. But this nation had its experiment with a "common man" President - and Jimmy Carter was the worst one in history, bar none.

He almost single-handedly ruined the economy, gave Iran the boost it needed to become the royal pain in the behind it is today, and darn near kissed (certainly kissed UP to) Araphat, which gave courage to today's terrorists.

No thanks to another down-home loser!
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Old 01-20-2008, 05:33 PM
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Hey watch it Rocky..I aint no loser...I just have special needs...Seriously, I think foreign dependency seems to be the biggest problem we and in the future.

The Constitution was written for a nation bound to noone but itself. Independent and governed by the people.
If the country would stick to the same principles laid out by our foundin fathers, we would be better off.

But then some would many factories would we have to build to support ourselves? A helluva lot...but it would also take a helluva lot more farms and jobs to support em. Aint that the way we became the superpower that we are to begin with?
Understood, the dynamics are different population..but my God, we aint doin nuthin but funding our or our descendants demise.
Thanks fer the nomination skeeter, but iffin they put my crazy butt in office...there would be hell to pay cause the first thing I'd be changin...the US would start callin more of the shots in our future instead of every other country across the pond. Cause if we caint fend fer ourselves, aint nobody gonna do it fer us that's fer dam sure.
Hell naw, I'd be assasinated fore I even sat in the oval office LOL
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Old 01-21-2008, 01:48 AM
Jack Jack is offline
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The sad truth is, if we drilled every bit of oil under our control, we still wouldn't have enough oil to quit importing oil.
I have never figured out why diesel is more expensive than conventional gasoline... diesel takes less refining that standard gasoline- seems to me it should therefore be cheaper.
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Old 01-21-2008, 11:46 AM
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Lilred, it's obvious that you're no loser - because you're smart enough to NOT run for Prexy!

Jack, Diesel has to compete with heating oil and jet fuel production, all of which are very similar and come off the distillation process at about the same point (if I recall correctly). Gasoline comes off farther down the line, and actually costs more to produce, but has no competing products so it ends up being cheaper by the gallon. Odd, but true.
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Old 01-21-2008, 08:22 PM is offline
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back to the big question......who should we put in our office for the next president?......can see how someone like Carter can just let people get away with things...and we get tramped on ..then if we have someone that pounds his desk and says it is gong to be this way....I don't think he (hope anyhow) will get many from other countries to listen or maybe they will be afraid of him.....
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Old 01-21-2008, 08:39 PM
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You should have posted a poll of the available candidates. That might have gotten you a better answer, with an option for None of the Above. Honestly, I am not the list bit moved by any of these candidates.

By the way, I am sort of pissed at GW right now. The Justice Department just entered an amicus brief in the DC gun ban Supreme Court case, and they are taking the position that the case should be sent back to the DC Court of Appeals to review it under a higher level of scrutiny, which would avoid the Supreme Court from ruling on it. In his defense, the brief also does take the position that the 2nd Amendment provides for an individual right.
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Old 01-22-2008, 06:04 AM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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Dan: I could run I guess under the Bush/Winston ticket.
Give some of these voters or non-voters a 6 pack and a carton and life is good lol
Only one I would not vote for at this time and thats Msssssss Clinton.
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Old 01-23-2008, 09:12 AM
jl1966 jl1966 is offline
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I will not vote for Obama. Do not want to vote for Hillary, but may have to. Will not vote for Huckabubble the religious fanatic. McCain, maybe, but he is soft on guns. Thompson? What, who? Actor, not President. Romney and Giuliani, yankee elitists. Regarding the tax issues, and Bill Clinton, we also were able to read GW's daddys lips about new taxes, that really held up , and in my own state of Va. we had Governor Jim Gilmore a few years ago. He got elected on doing away with the car tax, which he did. However he neglected to figure out how to replace the revenue lost in his nice little tax cut. The result was cuts to the budgets for law enforcement, wildlife programs, education, pretty much everything across the board. Of course he was out of office by then. Everyone likes a tax cut, but it is a simple law of economics that, when you bring in less, there is also less to spend.
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Old 01-23-2008, 09:27 AM
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You can choose to vote Democrat to "teach the Republicans a lesson" or you can vote for some third-party no-chance loser, or even stay home as a protest. But none of those things will change the fact that SOMEBODY is going to be elected President.

ANY action other than voting Republican is gonna result in President Hillary.

And ANYBODY else is a better choice than Hillary. She is going to ban your guns, she is going to nationalize the health industry (and maybe the oil industry), she is going to double your taxes as well as the welfare programs. In short, she'd create a socialist state, with her as dictator.

None of the Republicans are stellar, I'll admit. The best of the pack is probably Romney now that Thompson is out. Romney at least would be a genius on the economy, as that's his proven strength.

But none of them would be the national horror that Hllary (or Obama) would be.

Vote Republican, whoever that is.
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Old 01-23-2008, 09:47 AM
Purebred Redneck Purebred Redneck is offline
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Originally posted by Rocky Raab
I understand the sentiment, skeeter. But this nation had its experiment with a "common man" President - and Jimmy Carter was the worst one in history, bar none.

He almost single-handedly ruined the economy, gave Iran the boost it needed to become the royal pain in the behind it is today, and darn near kissed (certainly kissed UP to) Araphat, which gave courage to today's terrorists.

No thanks to another down-home loser!
It didn't help much that Reagan/Bush negotiated with Iran and bribed them with weapons to keep the hostages there a year longer than they had to.

I haven't voted since 2000 and will probably never again under the current election process (it just goes to show you that our votes count even less than ever).

But I'm pulling for another 8 years of a Clinton Whitehouse.
We should all ask --- Are we better off now than we were 8 years ago?
With all the homework the dems are doing on Reagon and the fact the repubs are doing the same, I would be shocked if the dem nominee didn't make that quote.

Anyway I think we'll see Clinton with either Edwards/Richardson/Webb --- either one would be a fine choice

As far as the republicans, it's ovbouisly too close to call. I think Romney pulls it out.
While I think it would be another 8 years of big business rule if he wins it all, I'll take my chances on him losing next nov to either dem candidate.
John McCain would be the choice if you bent my arm and forced me to vote repub. He's also the only one that stands a chance in nov.

No doubt, I'd like to see the democrats rule both houses and the presidency and get this country back in the hands of the middle class.
I'll settle on a dem controled house and john mccain if I had to though.
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Old 01-23-2008, 10:28 AM
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Originally posted by Purebred Redneck
It didn't help much that Reagan/Bush negotiated with Iran and bribed them with weapons to keep the hostages there a year longer than they had to.

That is utter nonsense and you should know better!
Prove it!
So with that statement you ally yourself with the kook fringe on the left. Is that where you stand?
What it comes down to is that those people hate anything Conservative!

But I'm pulling for another 8 years of a Clinton Whitehouse.
We should all ask --- Are we better off now than we were 8 years ago?

Yeah, America just needs another 4, or even worse, 8 years of the Clintons
And I am better off than I was 8 years ago.

While I think it would be another 8 years of big business rule if he wins it all, I'll take my chances on him losing next nov to either dem candidate.
John McCain would be the choice if you bent my arm and forced me to vote repub. He's also the only one that stands a chance in nov.

And what is wrong with big business??? Who do you think provides jobs for many Americans?
McCain is a RINO, no wonder you'd vote for him and is exactly the reason he shouldn't get the nomination.

No doubt, I'd like to see the democrats rule both houses and the presidency and get this country back in the hands of the middle class. I'll settle on a dem controled house and john mccain if I had to though.

Sure they would. Just keep drinking that kool-aid.
They had over 40 years of majority rule in Congress and they did squat, except broaden the gap in the classes, make the poor poorer and what did they do to alleviate the tax burden on the little guy?
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Old 01-23-2008, 12:13 PM
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Funny, that "back to the middle class" thing.

If you look at history, every single time that "power to the people," "workers' paradise," "rule of the proletariat" and similar rhetoric has been touted, we ended up with Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Idi Amin, Manuel Noriega, Saddam, Hugo Chavez, Mao...

And if we believe it again, counter to all experience, we're gonna get the next socialist tyrant: Hillary.

And "the people" will end up just as powerless, just as screwed over, while the tyrant steals billions.
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Old 01-23-2008, 01:44 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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How come is it ??

That the power to the people types always think the Democraps are the ones that will do what they hope? I wish that we could get some good people in the political process but they only seem to want more money or more power and never give us po folks what is actually our due? Which is..Honesty in office !!! Just a question...why would anyone spend millions of dollars attempting to be elected to an office that pays 400,000 bucks or less. Unluckily I think that the Republicans are not any more honest than the dems but they at least let us keep an illusion of having some say in our government. The Dems always seem to tell us what is" best for us" as if we are too stupid to know. Such as the myth that we don't need guns.. The law is here to take care of us. And we don't need to work..we'll pay ya welfare so you don't have to worry about the next drug fix...and food stamps etc etc. When will it ever stop. Do illegals deserve all these things too?? The dems seem to think so Personally I don't think that way...and I've been a lifelong (Southern)democrat too...mainly on a local level. But they are even changing at the local level. Too many soccer moms(and dads) with such liberal ideas. Where has the idea that we should be responsible for our selves and our own actions gone? Purebred Redneck.. If you are a Southern Democrat then you have seemed to have lost the conservative ideals of your forefathers. Sorry for the rants guys and gals!

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Old 01-23-2008, 02:24 PM
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Problem is your right. The day of the Southern Democrat went to the grave with J.F.K.

I too was raised in a Home of Democrats, so far I have voted for one Democrat, J.F.K. The rest have all been bums as far as I'm concerned. There were some Republicans that weren't so hot also but they were the "lesser of two evils" so to speak.

If I had a choice I wouldn't vote, however that doesn't solve any problems either. The only choices for me is to vote Party and hope the Presidential choice, even if a lousy one can drag some State Representatives with him into office.

Presently in my State we are stuck with the 3 clowns we have for the next 20 years. My Great Grand Children will be voting for them.

Solution, TERM LIMITS. Once these people get elected they are there for life. Let 'em get elected and after 8 years they can look for a regular job like the rest of us.

Best wishes, Bill
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Old 01-23-2008, 02:28 PM
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Wonderful idea, Billy.

Now, how do we get the guys NOW IN OFFICE to vote themselves term limits?

Answer: Ain't gonna ever happen. And there's nobody else who can pass laws.
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