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Old 11-21-2008, 12:16 PM
VaRedneck VaRedneck is offline
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Very thankful

I'm grinning this morning.

The weather stations were calling for snow flurries and wind. I stepped out at a little before 6a.m. to 34* and light winds out the west. Things couldn't have been nicer. Fearing the worst I had grabbed a sleeping bag to climb into once on stand. Decided against it when everything was so nice.

I climbed on up into the stand feeling pretty good, sat and enjoyed some coffee. (I really am getting used to having coffee in the stand.....might have to figure how I can make that a regular thing.)After sitting there for almost an hour I was wishing I had that sleeping bag. Feet were getting cold...had to start hunching down....making myself small. Hadn't seen a thing. Wondered if I'd made a mistake...maybe I shoulda been in my climber half a mile away?

Wind starting to pick up...losing what little I can hear.

There....just over the hill....coming outa the pines...doe.....moving pretty good...OH YEAH.....guess who's following....

BOOM.....perfect shot.....he made twenty down hill yards.

I used that Browning 81L BLR in 30-06 that was given to me years ago. 8pt dressed out at 200lbs

"Pain is weakness leaving your body."

Last edited by VaRedneck; 11-25-2008 at 08:30 PM.
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Old 11-21-2008, 01:41 PM
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See, they are getting bigger and bigger for you. It looks like you put a nice shot on him too. By the way, I like the way you write up your hunts. It keeps me pretty interested in them, even though I know what the outcome is going to be from the heading and the pic.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 11-21-2008, 02:02 PM
VaRedneck VaRedneck is offline
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Thank you.

I've read a lot of hunting stories over the years, and no matter how the story turned out...wether the monster was put down or the wind shifted or he jumped the string...I always liked reading every detail.

It's helped me to figure out what I've done wrong as well as what I've been doing right.
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Old 11-24-2008, 07:08 PM
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Congrats VA!
Your getting me really jealous
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Old 11-25-2008, 09:34 AM
Steverino Steverino is offline
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Thumbs up

Nice deer buddy!

You're having an outstanding season so far, Way to go! As Fabs said, nice shot placement.
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Old 11-25-2008, 08:38 PM
VaRedneck VaRedneck is offline
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Thanks, guys.

I plan on being in my climber this friday morning...psyching myself up for freezing my cahone's off.

You all heading out before or after T-Day?
"Pain is weakness leaving your body."
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Old 11-26-2008, 09:10 AM
Steverino Steverino is offline
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I won't be able to head out until next weekend. My wife has family from both coasts descending on us today for Thanksgiving. Tomorrow I load up the smoker with 2 turkeys, 3 turkey breasts, & a spiral ham. That along with a smorgasboard of various fixins should keep the 20 houseguests nice and sedated on the various couches and sofas in my house while I squirrel away somewheres private to pass gas and read some more of my reloading books.

Seriously, this has been a rather disapointing season as far as deer that I have seen afield. While I immensely enjoy the peace and solitude of the woods, it has been disconcerting the lack of movement during daylight hunts. In 120 hours of archery hunting, seen a total of 7 deer. (One of these, a doe, I arrowed. One of these, a nice 8 point, I boogered up by hastily shooting the aforementioned doe too soon )

Last weekend of the first firearm season, I saw a total of 1 doe that took an abrupt angle out of a good sight picture of my shotgun scope. Didn't like the shot so she walked and that was that.

I am going to hit some other areas next weekend for the 2nd season. I am always thankful for the opportunity to hunt, regardless the results! Good luck to all and have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Ya'll stay safe out there!
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Old 11-26-2008, 01:09 PM
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I can't see the pictures...don't know why??

Sounds a lot like my deer hunt this fall, good for you. In Minnesota the wind was blowing about 40 MPH and the air temp was in the teens. A good year to get a deer early in the day.

Hope I can see your photos sometime.
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Old 11-26-2008, 01:19 PM
MtnMike2 MtnMike2 is offline
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Congratulations! Good shot too! I'm originally from Va and hunted in Shenandoah County. Never shot anything with that kind of weight - they were little mountain deer. Again, congrats.

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Old 11-26-2008, 08:34 PM
VaRedneck VaRedneck is offline
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You get a red x?

Mtn Mike,

This is my biggest and best.

A while back a recovered an old weight machine. It was one of pull down bar things with weights stacked against the wall. I got the thing home and mounted it against the back wall of the garage. Then I ran the cable to a pully with to a spring clip/carabener which I connect to my gambrel after it's been set through the tarsels.

I set the approximate weight of the deer by pegging the weights, climb a ladder to the pully, slip a foot through a loop by the clip and ride the set up down. Connect the gambrel and deer and remove my foot without busting my ass. If I've guessed right the deer will only require minimal help in getting off the ground. If not, I gotta do it all over again.

I've had this set up for 3 yrs now...never had a problem till last week. I guestimated it at 170+ and set the machine for 176...nearest plate. It wouldn't come off the ground...had to disconect, re-peg the weights to's where it got interesting...I only weigh with all my gear on I might tip the scales close to that...I had to bounce the set-up down, when I finally managed to do that the buck still wouldn't come off the ground...I had to put two 6lb sledge hammers and a single bit axe on the weights to manage to get it off the ground.

I'm thinking about investing in a winch now....heh.
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Old 12-02-2008, 08:55 AM
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Howdy neighbor,
Nice buck! I been seein alot of nice bucks this year, a couple of monsters from Buckingham, Goochland and Cartersville.
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Old 12-02-2008, 06:59 PM
VaRedneck VaRedneck is offline
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Howdoo, Lilred!

How's your season gone, so far?
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Old 12-03-2008, 08:56 AM
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It's goin...workin all the time dont help none. lol Did manage to run dogs a couple days and got out a few evenins for bow & loader.
Heard some beautiful chases and did see some deer, one big buck. The one that "got away"
Do you run dogs?
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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Old 12-03-2008, 07:16 PM
VaRedneck VaRedneck is offline
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Naw, no dogs. It's a style of hunting that ain't for me. I have been with a party who ran dogs on some westvaco land, somewhere north of Charlottesville. Spent more time hunting the dogs than deer. When I didn't shoot a fawn, I caught a ration of sht.

I can appreciate the history of it...and in certain areas the need of it...I just find hunting out of a stand on ground I'm familiar with more enjoyable.
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Old 12-03-2008, 09:43 PM
wrenchman wrenchman is offline
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nice deer
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