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Old 06-08-2011, 02:12 AM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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So, not to look like an "ugly American", what is considered a fair gratuity for a safari of 7-8 days, and who all needs to be tipped? I'm assuming that the trackers, skinners, ect., but what about cook staff, wait staff, launderers, ect? Drivers?
Last hunt I went on, I had 4 "guides" the time I got done with tips, I was flat busted!
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Old 06-08-2011, 01:02 PM
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grayghost grayghost is offline
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Tipping is a personal matter. Some never tip and some over tip. It really depends upon the hunt. The more exotic or difficult, the harder the PH and staff must work. My recommendations always depend on specifics. I have different views on different hunts. But mainly I try to adjust it to my clients budget. It keeps things simple and everyone is happy. Your welcome to email me if you need specifics.
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Old 06-15-2011, 12:07 AM
madmurph madmurph is offline
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Mr 16 gauge, on my 10 day hunt I harvested 11 animals (plains game).

I gave my PH $500. I had one tracker/skinner who was with us the entire trip. I gave him $100, my Bino System binocular shoulder strap (as he carried his binoculars in hand) and many of my camo hunting clothes that were in near new condition. The tracker/skinner was tickled pink as though I had bought him a new house.

On the farms that I hunted, the property owner had one of his "staff" accompany us. Most of them were useless for the most part other than knowing the property. I did not tip any of them other than one on the farm that I shot my zebra on. He worked extremely hard. I gave him 100 rand (my PH suggested I only give him 50 rand), which at the time was equivalent to $15 U.S. Although I thought this to be a very small tip, he also was extremely happy and could not thank me enough.

I also tipped the cook/cleaning lady at one of the places where I spent several days. (I stayed at three different ranches.) I don't remember what I gave her, but it was not a large amount.

I talked with several people before my trip. Of the people that I talked with, my tips were more than most. One told me that he did not give any tips. I would have liked to tip my PH more, as he did a wonderful job, but I do work for a living and had to save and budget for my trip. I did make a lasting friendship with him however, and I was able to express my gratitude more by having him as a guest at my house for a week here in the States.

I hope this info helped a bit.
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Old 06-15-2011, 06:24 PM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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Grayghost & madmurph;
Thanks for the replies.....most helpful.
If your dog thinks that your the greatest, don't go seeking a second opinion!
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