The main reason I was thinking polaris or arctic cat is the independent suspension. It is harder to hang up over logs or very rough ground. I have an uncle that has a polaris and a friend that I hunt with that got an arctic cat last year and they are both nice. My dad has a honda 4x4 for several years now and I have seen a few problems with the rigid rear supsension that I don't like. Although I have hung my ole 3 wheeler over a log or 2 that I had to get off and drag in off of.
Hey Wahnie, I respectfully decline your challange
as my girl ain't that fast but she will out manuver any 4 wheeler that I have see in the woods and she doesn't have reverse. Good thing it isn't to heavy or I couldn't drag it around in the right direction or push it back when I misjudge where I'm going.
My old gal has did a great job for me over the years but she can't work as hard or as safe as a heavier 4 wheeler when it comes to hauling a deer out of the woods. I have flipped it over backwards more than once with all that weight on the back rack while going up hills. I learned from the school of hard knocks as to how steep of a grade that I could just ride up and when I have to just tie the horns low on the back of that 3 wheeler and drag the deer up until it is safe to load him. And even on level ground, she steers like a pig with all that weight over the rear wheels. Anyone that has rode a 3 wheeler knows what I am talking about. It does take experience to drive one that way with shifting your weight to steer it as the front wheel is just about useless.
I know, why would anyone put up with all this crap with an outdated vehical when you can get a new one that doesn't have all those problems? Well, to me it is just part of the experience and I can remember pre 3 wheeler and having to drag the deer to camp or the truck and I don't miss those days at all. I am just getting lazyer in my old age so I will bend to the will of God and my body and get me one of those fancy 4 wheelers next year. I'm not going to retire the old girl or sell her. Just give it a well deserved rest and I can always bring her back out it if the need arises. Enough rambling and enough said. Longknife