Another Military Surplus Arms Fan...
Last Saturday I watched my 13 year old grandson for the first time. Our day began at 0800 on the backyard range where Chase shot a Colt M1911 with cast 200 grain SWCs and then the Garand. He has a .243 and did get a doe in last year's PA deer season, so he understands arms and shooting to an extent. I then got out a Yugo M48A and 40 rounds of cast bullet which he shot off. We went to the reloading bench where Chase reloaded the brass for a second go round. For an encore he shot 50 rounds in the Hakim for some nice gong blasting from the bench. When his mother picked him up at 5:00 p.m., he told her about all the neat guns he shot and his first reloading experience. He wants to shoot the M1 Carbine, the SKS, Tokarev 40 and the M1884 Trapdoor on his next visit. Well, some young people like military arms better than video games. We need to get the next generation of military arms shooters up and running to save our heritage.
Adam Helmer