I read in "Bugle" magazine where Montana FWP is once again lowering the quota for the late cow hunt near Gardiner. In the future they may lower it to only around 148 tags. I forget the actual figures of what they estimated the local herd numbers were in the past, in the tens of thousans I believe, but they have finally admitted that the wolves have impacted this herd. This herd is down dramatically. In my opinion they put a greater emphasis on the hunters killing the reproducing cows during this late season and lowered the quota on them to take away the story about the wolves. It probably needs to be done but the locals have been trying to tell them this for 3 years that I'm aware of. Probably longer. Anyhow, these FWP people must be like the Pa. Game Comm., they all need to get their hearing checked because if seems like it takes them 2 or 3 years for them to hear what people are saying. Must run in the family, political family, that is.