Hello Skinny Shooter & Evan03,
My Remingtons are quite accurate now. I have quite a few Remingtons from the 80s, and boy are they sweet. The newer ones leave me non-plused. Back in the 80s we used to say Remingtons shoot great out of the box, while Savages can be made to shoot great with a little work. That seems to be reversed today. The $250. for glass bedding, barrel floating and trigger work does the job getting my Remingtons to shoot like I expect them to. I'm just not wild about spending the extra money on them, but I will until I can find something better. Maybe I'm expecting too much. If a heavy barreled varmint rig won't group under .5" (5 at 100yds.) I consider it a lemon. Maybe the older Remingtons spoiled me. Just one mans opinion.
Best wishes.
Cal - Montreal