Has anyone here noted that a deer shot at 100 yrds will drop at the shot a lot more often than a deer shot a 3-400 yards, even if the impact velocity is about the same? For example, a 140 gr. bullet fired from a 7-08 at 100 yrds, and the same bullet from a 7stw at 300 yards. The farther deer will run more often than the close one when the bullet hits the lungs, (spine shots don`t count). Do i just happen to shoot tougher deer at longer range, or what? The wound channels and internal organ damage look about the same, sometimes more or less, but i don`t have a set of scales handy to see a 25 or so lbs difference. i have never really determined if the bullet went straight or not because i can`t be sure if they hit at exactly the same angle. Could it be the bullet has a bit more wobble at close range doing slightly more damage? Denton, how many burros you got rounded up?