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Old 05-08-2005, 11:19 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Mtn Home Idaho
Posts: 1,847
dang it ;) 17remmy on the mind

ive played some with the 17hmr and found i like the little bullets. i like little bullets going fast and shooting flat.

ive been wanting a rem lv sf, light weight varmit rig. but till now i didnt know what caliber id want to get it in. even as im typeing this im straying from the topick and the thought keeps going through my head that id want a 224 caliber for the hunting side of things.

grrrrr gota get back on track.

my question is. chances are i will not load for the caliber. i rarely reload for the 22/250 but do relod for the 2506 on more common acasions. i dont like it but i do like loading for the 250.

im curious what kinda velocities ill get out of the 20" barrel. its probly not even worth wondering about and the velocity loss more than likly wouldnt amount to much.

remington claims over 4000fps with both there facotry ammo loads pushed through a 24" barrel. ill do some more lookin to see how much facotry ammo is available. i realy do not want to reload.

the rifle would mainly be just for fun used to take varmits at long range 300yds or so. i wouoldnt be real worried about saveing hides. but might if i get into a coyote streek some winter like i did a few years ago. but mainly i want to red mist ground squrels and other small varmits from 50yds to 300 or so.

i looked at the balistics and its bought zero at 50 and 150, how cool is that. to zero at 250 it only moves it up 1" at 50yds then rises to 1.3"s at 100 then 1.7"s at 150, back down to 1.3"s at 200 then zerod at 250 with only 2.5"s of drop at 300. thats pretty dang flat.

thats what im pondering. imagine that me thinking aboiut another rifle before ive got all mine i have now glassed.

what do you think


just checked again and they have 22" barrel. ive got nothing to worry about. 2"s ill never even see.

ive found that only remington loads ammo for this caliber so with only 2 factory loads available this caliber might be one id want to shy from??

Last edited by Evan03; 05-08-2005 at 11:49 PM.
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