Ideas for subsonic 7.62x39?
I need to load some subsonic 7.62x39. The first issue is bullets; I have two guns I need to load for, an AK47 (presumably with a bore close to .311") and a Contender with a .308" bore. Since the AK is a bullet hose anyway I think I can concentrate on .308" bullets, preferably softpoint and maybe around 200gr to 220gr. The brass is Federal American Eagle, it's my blasting ammo.
So, I need some thoughts on bullets and powder to achieve 1050fps from a 10" barrel. My Contender barrel is a rechambered .300 Whisper, I think twist is 1:7 so I should be OK with 220gr bullet stability. Max range will be 100yds.
I already have Bullseye, Red Dot and Blue Dot as well as H4227. Should I be looking for data for light .44mag and similar handgun loads? Or maybe just use .300 Whisper loads and hope the extra case volume doesn't matter?
Please feel free to theorise as much as possible.