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Old 11-13-2006, 07:47 AM
Tall Shadow Tall Shadow is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Metro Detroit, Michigan
Posts: 282
For PBR & all of the other Democrat voters here.

I just thought I'd share this little story about what Our supposed "Evil Armed Forces" are really doing, over in Iraq & Afghanistan, and some of why We need to be there.

Got a tough, but heartwarming story and a picture of John Gebhardt in Iraq. For those that did not know John, he was our former Med Group Chief, Dave Nordel replaced him. Anyway, his wife talked with mine last evening and sent this picture. Mindy related that this little girl's entire family was executed.They intended to execute her also and shot her in the head but they failed to kill her. She was cared for by John's hospital and healing up, but has been crying and moaning. The nurses said John is the only one she seems to calm down with, so John has spent the last four nights holding her while they both sleep in that chair. The girl is coming along with her healing.

John comes home in early October.

He is a real Star of the war and is representative of what America is trying to do.

Origins: This moving photograph shows Chief Master Sgt. John Gebhardt, superintendent of the 22nd Wing Medical Group at McConnell Air Force Base in Kansas, holding an injured Iraqi girl. The picture was taken in October 2006, while Sgt. Gebhardt was deployed to Balad Air Base in Iraq. According to the Air Force Print News, the infant girl Sgt. Gebhardt held in his arms "received extensive gunshot injuries to her head when insurgents attacked her family killing both of her parents and many of her siblings."

Sgt. Gebhardt is now back home in Wichita, Kansas, with his wife and two children. An Air Force Link article about the sudden fame he gained as the subject of this photograph reported that:
The chief had a knack for comforting [the injured Iraqi girl] and they often would catch a cat nap together in a chair.

"I got as much enjoyment out of it as the baby did," he said. "I reflected on my own family and life and thought about how lucky I have been."

While deployed to Iraq, the chief tried to help out any way he could. He figured holding a baby that needed comforting that would free up one more set of arms that could be providing care to more critical patients.

"I pray for the best for the Iraqi children," he said. "I can't tell the difference between their kids and our kids. The Iraqi parents have the same care and compassion for their children as any American."

As you can see PBR, not everything is as you see it in the news, or reported to you buy your DNC "friends". There is so much good being done, that will never be shown....I know that the above story is one small example.....although I wouldn't put it passed the DNC to try to get more good news out when they are "back In" after January......And their buddies at the major news networks will be happy to help....

You see PBR, these same people who shot this girl, killed her family, and are trying to kill our soldiers over there... are the ones who rejoiced at Your electing the democrats back into power. Think about that for a minute....Why would this be?

These same people, the exact same people who have stated that they want Every single Man, Woman, and child from the west DEAD, are happy because of your actions......

But, what do I know...I'm sure it's all an effect of "Global Warming"...which is Bush's fault too..of course.

I'll sure feel safe from now on................. NOT!

Tall Shadow
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