Ethanol Hoax - 20/20 & John Stossel
Turns out that ethanol is no better for the environment than oil. The amount of energy needed to grow, refine, and transport the ethanol is insane and makes it just as harmful to the environment as oil. Further, there is no way that we can grow enough corn to meet the entire need of the US. Right now, if we used all the corn we grow and turn it into ethanol, we would only meet 12% of the nation's need for fuel. Plus, we would need to use a ton of fertilizer, pesticides, and water to grow all the corn we need if we were to replace oil with ethanol.
According to the guy from the CATO Institute, the only ones to benefit from this is Archer Daniels. The other potential benefit is that we would be less dependent on Middle East oil. However, we wouldn't be paying any less for fuel, but just paying American farmers instead of Middle East oil sheeks (sp.).
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.