Winter Projects
Looks like a long time until spring, so I have started a winter project. Yesterday, I stopped in a gun shop near where I work to get a can of powder. They did not have what I wanted and I started to leave. This is a pistolsmith shop, but there were a pile of used rifles and shotguns in a corner of the shop. I started going through the stack. There was a K31 Schmidt-Rubin in bad shape and overpriced. Most of the guns were overpriced.
Under the stack was what looked like a sporterized Mauser. Turns out is was a sporterized 1903 high number Springfield (made by Springfield) with a hang tag price of $200.00. The exterior metal and stock were loevly, but the bore was ruined and dark. I offered $150.00 and got it for that price.
I have a Midway barrel in .270 Winchester that will fit the 1903 and I am waiting for the local gunsmith to open today so I can drop it off. The 'smith is getting caught up on his backlog of work and assures me he can do this rifle in a few weeks. That is my winter project. What are you good folks doing? All the best...