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Old 06-24-2008, 06:09 AM is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: western pa.
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cheap gasoline

Ok with the gas prices and the loss of MPG me and those I have talked to have been dealing with something was amidst here. I figured this out. News flash: Crude oil cost up again due to supply and demand. China using more crude. Another reason for our price at pump to rise overnight. Supply and demand. Well lets figure that one out. It isn't all china after all.
When you put fuel in your car, look on side of fuel pump, see sign saying is 10% ethanol. Corn alcohol. Alcohol does not have the energy that gasoline has. So the 10% of the gallon you pumped is less octane than standard gallon of gasoline. I have lost a good 5 or 6 MPG in my cars. Others have done the same and we have checked this numerous times. One guy out of the blue had told me he has taken his new car back to garage few times because sticker says at least 17MPG and he is only gettin at most 12MPG. See ..the loss of 5MPG....This is what people aren't checking..Pulling things in my truck I noticed loss of energy pulling hills...a Dodge this is what I got.
A loss of 5 MPG in a 20 gal gas tank = loss of 100 miles per tank full......100 miles per tank now we need to stop more often and fill up we are using more gasoline to get point A to B.....adding to problem of supply and demand. Now the other problem is this...alcohol destroys plastic and rubber O rings etc it contacts so we are killing our motors and fuel system in our vehicles....motors are blowing up left and right around here....people are saying ...I don't understand..all the motors going in all these cars.....well..that is a lot of the can't put alcohol or E-85 in these motors that aren't set up to handle them.... E-85 is an alcohol fuel mix of up to 85% fuel ethanol and gasoline mix again..ethanol has less energy and thus the lack of MPG
News media has yet bring this to attention of Americans... a loss of 100 miles per tank full...people are parking their cars and staying home because of gas prices but the price is only a pinch of problem...if we even got back the 100 lost miles per tank full by using real gasoline instead of the reformulated crap, we would not notice the $4.00 per gall pinch that lets check your mileage out...see if you also have not lost a significant amount of MPG....and this is part pf the problem....yes we need alternative fuel....but not added to extent it is helping kill our economy...gotta bring this to attention of news media so they can investigate it....and also our reps....rid the 10% ethanol ..give us back our 100miles for our 4 bucks.
...This is the hidden scam from oil companies....use more charge more...big secret till caught at it.
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