.225 Winchester
I need information on the .225 Winchester from some shooters who have actual experience with the caliber. I know it is slower than the 22-250 and has a semi-rim. I just think it should be an accurate little cartridge. I haven't had one and need to fill that need. I am thinking about rebarreling a Ruger No.3 with a 26 inch barrel which would let me know the "ultimate" potential of that caliber, even though the No.3 isn't as accurate as it would be in a bolt action. The No.3 is hellishly strong and will with stand everything I can throw at it until the primers start to disappear. I don't push for that pheonomenun, and it rarely happens to me, but it is nice to be prepared.
It doesn't bother me that it isn't as fast as the Swift, or Varminter, but beats the Hornet and .223. Those p-dogs never know how fast the bullet is going.
Let me know what you know about this caliber and let it all hang out.