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Old 06-23-2010, 01:24 AM
skeet skeet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Northwest Wyoming
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Originally Posted by fabsroman View Post
I am pretty sure that immigration to this country was a lot easier back in the 40's and 50's. Why do we have to make it so hard for good people to come to this country? Not every illegal is a terrible person.
Fabs you are right that it was a bit easier in the 40's and 50s..There is however a BIG but..Actually 2 very BIG buts. 1st Those same people that wanted to come here did it LEGALLY. You are a Lawyer. You certainly KNOW the difference. If those people who came here illegally get off scott free..what is to stop the illegal flow?? Sheesh..We have to have SOME teeth in our laws..It seems however that the liberal left in this country would sell their souls for these "new" votes. Heck the Republicans would too. I have an even better idea..Round 'em all 'em on past work..send 'em home keeping a data base on when they came and give them a first chance to come back..after the background checks and making certain they have PAID those same back taxes.. Heck it was sure easy for 'em to send the money back to Mexico..or wherever they came from..But make 'em understand. there is no get outta jail free card. Then we need to have an English language law and enforce it..Lets do the legal immigration law like Mexico..Never being able to vote..unless a person was born here after parents legal immigration..
2nd Since those people's who came here in the 40s and 50s the legislators in this country have seen fit to drive our job base off shore. What an idiotic idea..So we should restrict the amount of people who come here to those who will fill an existing job..Especially for people who come to stay..We surely do NOT need to create an even larger burden on society than we already have. At the same time we should also strive to reduce the dependency on the public monies by people who a are already citizens..and make those same monies unavailable to new members coming into this country...otherwise we are letting welfare receipients immigrate to this country. Stupidity to say the least.

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