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Old 12-13-2010, 12:14 AM
skeet skeet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Northwest Wyoming
Posts: 4,614
Sorry I kinda POd ya fabs. At the current time you really don't get what i was saying. You will some day. Nice to stay in the groove we are in when it makes us comfortable.. Understanding sometimes comes with age more so than anything..

As far as the technology thing.. I wonder sometimes how we ever bagged a deer without camo scentlock decoys climbing treestands sabot slugs scopes rifled bores or ducks and geese without a mojo or decoys so realistic they look like a real duck camo again 3inch mags much less 3 1/2 inchers patternmaster chokes etc etc etc. Was talking with a friend yesterday about this same thing. I figured roughly that the majority of the geese I killed over the years were mostly shot with 2 3/4 heavy loads and 2 3/4 inch mags...the old 3 3/4 1 1/4 loads and the later 1 1/2 ounce mags. I must admit that shooting the birds did teach me how far was killable. But then again most of the geese I killed were easily inside of 40 yds. Many if not most 30 yds or less. But I did learn how to pass shoot the darn things for when i had to. But lots of shooting cured my ills with that.

Now i must admit that some of the newer technology is a BIG help. Guns fit better making people better shots Ammo is better than it ever was in the 50's and 60's Steel sent things backwards for a bit but even it is better now. We can't even match the better steel by reloading now. Lead ammo is much better today too. The ultra expensive Hevi shot and it's ilk are in some cases even better than the best lead loads like Fed Premiums and the Win Supremes. Bullets and powders are way better than they were in the 60's and 70s even. And metallic ammo is usually as good as the best reloads of a few years ago. My muzzleloader uses smokeless powder but Pyrodex and triple 7 is also nowhere related to black powder even the traditionalists that shoot front stuffers with those powders enjoy the benefits of technology. Trail cams are kinda my pet peeve. Most put out some kind of bait to get the best use out of 'em but I guess it really doesn't kill 'em. Just seems to be taking advantage of the critters. You are right Mr doesn't make the marginal people real hunters... But it does make the ones who understand the sport pretty hard to beat out in the field. Makes it a little easier for us old times too. That 4 wheeler sure is a lot easier on me than a horse. LOL!!

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
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