Pa horn regulation change
Ok, our PGC has helped some with the horn regulation change. We in the western area of Pa have gone by the 4pt on one side rule. We have some hefty 6pt bucks around with massive horn spread but will never be legal unless fall under those youth hunts etc main question now since they made this rule a 3pt up counts as legal...this is not counting the eye spike as a point. If the deer only has 2 main points and the eye spike, it is not a legal buck...all is fine with that too but when does the eye spike not become an eye spike and is counted as one of the 3 up points. Most eye spikes are close to the knobby part at the base but I do have horns from the past that this horn is a good 8" up from this again, and is not listed in the rule book as how far up from the base it goes...would this be a call from one of the wardens in the field? (yes we have some that flash the badge thing)...if someone would know this...thanks.