Manufacturer ethics.
Where should this thread go. There isn't a real good area but this seems to be right. I will relate a situation and let the readers decide. In January 2011, I received a Rossi Model 92 lever action rifle with a broken buttstock. I said I would get a new stock and install it. I called Rossi at their Miami, FL location to order the stock. They asked if I had the old stock and I replied I was holding it as we spoke. He said send it in and we will replace it. (Absolutely womderful.) I sent it in and waited. In about 6 weeks I called and asked what the problem might be. He said they had decided they should install the new stock so it was properly fitted. I said since I was a stockmaker I felt I could handle the job, and I didn't want to go to the expense of sending the complete rifle in due to the cost of shiping. He said they would pay the shipping; just give it to UPS when they came for it. Done. Now it is July ane I am starting to feel screwed. I called them and they said they would look into it. (They had sent a letter with the serial # of the rifle that they had received it and assigning a case #) In August I was starting to feel unreasonable and told them we would soon be into hunting seasons in WY and it would really be nice to have the rifle. They told me they had decided to replace the rifle. I was floored and asked why they needed to replace it.
No answer but a request for me to send in a FFL. I did and didn't hear anything so I called them back the first part of September. They said they needed a copy of my FFL. I told them since I had already sent one via mail, I would fax another FFL where I could get a notice that the fax had been delivered. I called them again toward the end of Sept. since nothing had happened and now they wanted to know if the customer would take a stainless rifle instead of the blue one. I alled him and he said as long as the new rifle had the 24 inch octagon barrel and it was 45 Colt. Now we are up to Thanksgving and I am getting piss--. I asked what the problem was and they said they didn't have any rifles like they needed. I asked if they were cutting the wood in Brazil yet or when that might occur. IN late December I was considering telling BATFE about my problem and declaring it a stolen rifle.
I called Rossi again and asked if they thought that would be a good idea. They said it wasn't stolen and they would get right on it. About mid-January, I got a box from Miami and could hardly believe. I called the owner and told him a major miracle had occurred and he should stop by on his next trip to town so I could transfer the new rifle to him. We both had a "little" laugh about the whole thing and I told him to never buy another Rossi. I might pass the same advice on to anyone that might expect to buy a Rossi and have it serviced under "warranty".. I would rather point my finger and shout BANG.