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Old 03-18-2013, 10:45 AM
skeet skeet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Northwest Wyoming
Posts: 4,614
This last weekend at the gun show

Holy Cow.. I'm still tarred(southern for TIRED). I talked to the people who put the show on and they had 934 paying customers on Saturday before noon. Doesn't sound like many huh? This gun show was in an old school basketball auditorium.. Now a community center. I am glad i was on the sellin side of the tables. It was wall to wall people. Observations?? ARs are not selling..mainly cause money is scarce and prices are too high on 'em Mag prices are down a fair amount 22 ammo is in very short supply. Although I have about 50 M rounds here i only sell a little at a time. I sold mine for 35 dollars for the 525 packs. Needless to say it was gone in minutes. Other vendors had some at up to 70 bucks which is ridiculous..but even more so..someone bought it at that price..Hunting rifles are not selling well. Shotguns(in Wyoming??) were selling really well. And handguns?? Oh my gosh!! I sell only a few to people I know. Had a cop bring his wife in and she bought one of my 9mms...a M-39 Smith. He also got her a couple of boxes of 115 FMJs and a couple boxes of the Federal 124 HPs so she could practice. This was the same town cop that stopped me a couple years ago after i left a bar/restaurant where I ate din din. He thought i was a drinking driver..(I don't drink). Got to know each other and he is an ok guy. wife is pretty. and likes shootin. Kinda lady to be married to I think. I also sold a nice little Ruger 243 to a gal I was a really nice Mk II 77. And tyhe best sale of the whole show for me..a father brought his 11 year old son in to find a nice little 20 ga. I happened to have a nice 870 new with the chokes.had 300 bucks on it cost 250 it was kind of a loss leader. Young'un asked if he could see it. Looked at dad and he nodded to gave it to the boy. He did it all right. after i cut the tocking tie off of it. Father asked if i would take 250 for it..and I told him I didn't think so..Kids face fell a little bit. Looked at the young'un and asked how he was gonna pay for a shotgun. He told me he worked cuttin grass cleaning off walks and cleaning yards and saved money from birthday gifts..Said to this is your money?? He told me it was. So I explained to him I just had to make a little profit cause it cost me to do these shows. And I told him if it was his money I would take 255 dollars for it...and to go talk it over with his dad and come back in a little bit after he decided..cause it WAS a lot of money. He looked at me very seriously and thanked me.looked at his dad. And i told 'em to go talk it over. I wouldn't sell it to anyone while they decided. They came back in about 10 minutes and the kid said ..yes he wanted it. and he actually gave me as wild an assortment of cash money I ever got..inluding 50 dollars in 1 dollar bills I really think it was all his money. Course i had to sell it to his dad as he was too young to buy a shotgun..but asked his dad if it was alright for the young'un to carry that gun out.. Think it made both their days.. Made mine. I still remember my first gun my father bought me. Evidently the word had gotten out..the kid got an ovation as he walked out the door. This IS a small town..

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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