To Shoot Or Not To Shoot - (Mulies) Hunt 6
For those of you that don't remember I used to post weekly hunts based on ethical situations. In other words, there may be no right or wrong answer but I give you the chance to explain why you would or would not shoot. These scenarios are based off of North American Hunting Clubs "You Call The Shots" articles, just with different pictures and my story.
And Now..Hunt 6 of To Shoot Or Not To Shoot Scenario: This ol boy caught your eye as he was moving through the timber on the far side of the hillside you were watching. It appears as if he's slowly making his way towards you but you only have 30 more minutes of legal shooting time left. Weapon: Rifle Distance:300 yards Wind: 5 mph left-to-right Shoot or Don't Shoot? P.S. Don't forget to check out the other hunts @ Elk,Whitetails & Big Game Perfect Practice Makes Perfect |