Some crap i put up with today
Well today was an overcast morning and seemed like a chance to get some good range time. While i had the hawken out at 50yds every thing was cool. moved over to 100 next to two guys shooting bolt actions 308's. Well as soon as the omega came out and i sent a few down, the two guys starting ranting about how people like me with these inlines are destroying the sport of muzzleloading. they are going on about "real" muzzle loaders, as if they didnt just seem my flinter. Well about an hour into it i was fed up, shot one last 1.5" group at one hundred and put the damn thing away and left. We walked up to the boards and grabbed targets, i had to chuckle when i saw they couldnt keep the 308 under a 4 inch group. In the end it remains that i hate public ranges.