Your suggestions please...
I am thinking of buying a new pistol. It would will be used for minimal CCW (after I get it), but will be my only protection/carry gun. At first blush, I was thinking a 40cal, but then thought I'd go to the 9mm ( for cheaper plinking). Now, after talking with a guy at Gander Mountain today, I'm leaning back toward the 40.
The one gun maker I haven't held in my hand yet is the Taurus line. I really like the looks and features of both the 24/7 and the millenium. The sales guy today recomended a Kahr, and also showed me a Springfield Armory XD40 (?). The Kahr was used, and thus I really am not interested in it, plus didn't care for the looks of it. The Springfield seemed decent and felt good in my hand. Price was also pretty reasonable.
I would like to stay under $500, preferably around $450. What does the experienced membership say about caliber and makes mentioned? Or throw some other ideas out at me.
One other one he mentioned was a Barrus(sp). I know it is cheap, and that is what you usually get, so I didn't even really look at it.