Got handed a shotgun on Christmas Eve
Now I get along with my bro-in-law so I didn't think anything out of the ordinary when he says "come down to the cellar I want to show you something." Here I thought he had yuengling lager on tap but no, he unrolls 3 guns from a blanket. One is an M1 carbine, another is an old heavy barrel remmy 22 target rifle with peeps and a rusty double. The guns belonged to his Dad and Granddad. I've been trying to get him to the pistol range for awhile now and figured he had some fun guns to shoot. After looking them over, he says "do you want them?"
Did he have to ask The side by side says LC Smith on the receiver and Hunter Arms on top. Tracked the serial number back to the year 1911 and it is a SWEET 16! Took the SWEET 16 to a gunsmith and had it checked over. The lock locks up tight and it was good to go. Bought some shells and went bunny hunting the other Saturday. My bud and I each got 1. I'm used to a heavy 870 and this double is just a lightweight. My significant other (my wife, not "companion" ) cooked both rabbits, then served them with a wine sauce over noodles and mushrooms. Allen
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